As I'm reading a commentary in preparation for a paper, I read the following: "James carries forward some of the central aspects of Jesus' message and teaching...This continuity with Jesus' teaching is relatively rare within the New Testament."
I showed kletois this line and he replied, "Are they reading the same leather bound book we read??" And you really have to wonder sometimes what book is being read by some of these guys. Although there is a bevy of evidence that they're reading something—and that's certainly commendable.
Thankfully, while I was writing that paper, I was able to read (and utilize) several other writers who were reading the same book. And more than that they handled the book correctly—which is of vital importance.
Chrysostom, Augustine, Calvin, Owen, Watson, Manton, Boston, Hodge, Thornwell, Ryle, Machen, Moo, Morris—for all the differences that exist between those people, there is one common bond—they're men of the Book. Men who read and handle the Word of God with reverence, respect, and understanding.
We're awash in a culture that hates that Book, and hates those who follow it. That hatred is becoming more and more apparent everyday. Even those who are supposedly on the side of the Church are showing more and more how they're not on our side. It seems every time you turn around another wolf is spotted behind a pulpit, hawking "Christian" wares, deceiving the sheep.
There's precisely one way to eliminate the influence of the wolves. One way to survive the hatred—in all the current and upcoming manifestations. Become people of the Book.
We need to read the Book, study the Book, hear the Book preached responsibly every chance we have. We need to spend time with other people of the Book as models and guides—whether we can only know them in print, or if they're across town.
We have to get into the Book and get the Book into us.
Friday, December 30, 2005
How's this for a Resolution?
Posted by Hobster at 22:43 1 comments
A Year with My Children in the Bible
The clan just finished going through this survey of the Bible--sure, it's a day early, but we did double duty so I could be around for the end. Not the greatest survery of the Bible around, I'm sure--but it's pretty good. Spends too little time on some things, too much on others, in my not so humble opinion. But on the whole, sound, balanced, age appropriate (even good for the 'rents). Got my kids thinking about somethings for sure--things I wouldn't have bothered with (but am glad Cromarty did). I know my quiver liked it--they howled like banshees when we discovered a few days were missing in October (I asked Evangelical Press for the text of those days, knowing that was a long shot--that very day they sent a replacement copy, free--that's customer service).
We ended today with the following reading. Great way to finish off.
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away." And he who was seated on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new." Also he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." And he said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment. The one who conquers will have this heritage, and I will be his God and he will be my son. Revelation 21:1-7
Posted by Hobster at 18:28 2 comments
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Notes from the Sick Ward
Had really planned on a blog-splosion while I was on break. But got fairly distracted by several things around the house, reading for the Winter Term, and now a cold from h-e-double hockey-stick--which has taken out the whole household (tired would probably insert a covenant-head joke here, but it started with the Princess and then moved on to the Kidney Kid, which is a shame, because his joke would be funny).
Took the Kidney Kid in today, got a steroid shot to help his croup. Seems to be working. He's actually sleeping tonight, as is mommy. That's a major plus.
Have gotten some intersting reading done--many books started, none finished yet. Depending how tomorrow goes, I could have a few knocked off. Have got more sleep in the last few days than I have in the last few months. Very strange experience.
Hopefully will have a few things to say in the next couple of days. And next week--since I will have gobs and gobs of stuff to do, expect me to blog about a bazillion words a day.
Posted by Hobster at 21:45 3 comments
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Sounds & a Sight of the Weekend
Things over heard that brought (and still bring) a smile to my face:
Frodo, yesterday morning, "After breakfast, let's play Mario Baseball." He's very excited about the new videogame. Samwise (poster child for video game addiction). "No, I want to play with my Narnia toys." He would only stop playing with those to open packages and eat. The latter was generally forced.
Scribbler to Princess, "Come here and bring Lalanie [Cabbage Patch Doll]. You need to take the adoption oath. Repeat after me...I promise [something, something]..." Princess just stares at her. Scribbler to Lalanie, "Oh, it's okay, Lalanie, I'll love you." Princess giggles, "Mommy, it's just a doll."
Frodo, thanking everybody, making sure his siblings did, too.
The Kidney Kid, giggling. A lot. And then some more.
Image of the day:
I get a blanket from the inlaws, use it for a minute as a pillow as we're watching something on TV.
Here's the catch--it's still in the original packaging as I do that.
The results? here.
Posted by Hobster at 23:04 1 comments
The Application of Christ to the Soul
Of all these great doctrinal things, there still remains one lesson to be learned—-how to apply Christ rightly to your soul. Learn that and you have everything. If you have learned this well, you are a great theologian. For the right application of Christ to the sick soul, to the wounded conscience, and the diseased heart, is the fountain of all our felicity, and the well-spring of all our joy., In order to understand how this application operates (provided that you want Christ in your soul), think of what the presence of your soul within you does to this earthly body, to this lump of clay. It is by the presence of the soul that it lives, moves, and feels. As the soul gives to the body, life, movement, and sensation, so Christ does the very same thing to your soul. Have you ever grasped and applied Him to yourself? As the soul quickens the body, so He quickens the soul, not with an earthly or temporal life, but with the life which He lives in heaven. He makes you live the same life which the angels live in heaven. He makes you move, not with worldly motion, but with heavenly, spiritual and celestial motions. Again, He inspires I you not outward senses, but heavenly senses. He works within you a spiritual feeling, that in your own heart and conscience you may find the effect of His Word. Thus by the conjunction of Christ with my soul, I get a thousand times a greater benefit than the body does by the soul, for the body by the presence of the soul gets only an earthly and temporal life, subject to continual misery, but by the presence of Christ in my soul, I see a blessed life, I feel a blessed life, and that life daily increases in me more and more. Therefore the ground of all our perfection and blessedness consists in this conjunction and so even if you lived as long as Methuselah, and spent your whole life seeking, yet if in the last hour you were to get this conjunction, you would think your labour well worth it, for you would have gained enough. If you have gained Christ, you have gained everything with Him. Thus the applying of Christ to your soul is the fountain of all your joy and felicity.
Now let us see how we get this conjunction. This is a spiritual conjunction, hard and difficult to be acquired or procured. How then is it brought about? What are the means God uses in this conjunction, and what are the means man uses in it in order to get Christ, to put Christ Jesus in our soul, and to make Christ Jesus one with us? There is one means employed on God’s part-—God helps us to get Christ; and another means employed on our part. On the part of God, there is the Holy Spirit, who offers the Body and Blood of Christ to us. On our part there must also be a means employed, or else when He offers, we will not be able to receive. Therefore there be faith to our souls to receive what the Holy Spirit offers, to receive the heavenly food of the Body and Blood of Christ. Thus faith and the Holy Spirit are the two means employed in this spiritual and heavenly conjunction. By these two means, by faith and the Holy Spirit, I receive the Body of Christ--The Body of Christ is mine, and He is given to my soul.
"The Lord's Supper in Particular"
Posted by Hobster at 20:14 0 comments
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
What the ... ?
When I got in this morning I had an email waiting for me from my wife, subject line simply saying, "WHAT?" And then there was some nonsense about Johnny Damon signing with the Yankees. I was unusually tired, so I didn't bother to go to and show she'd fallen for some Internet hoax. Puh-leez. The guy's on record (May of this year, in fact).
But no. Johnny Damon is...(oh this is hard to type)...a...a...(be strong, you can say this) a Yankee.
The man has no arm. How is this an improvement over Bernie? Better at offense. We don't need offense...we need defense! You know, getting the ball from the outfield to the men on base quickly...that kind of thing.
This is a bad move. This is a stupid move. Sure, there's a little "in your face" action for the RS Nation (how'd they become a nation anyway? 1 lousy championship in decades and they're a nation??? Oh wait...the Yankees have an Empire. Never mind) This is all about George, his ego and his checkbook. Sorry Joe, sorry Cash. I know, I just know you weren't behind this. I trust you can pick make some lemonade from this lemon.
Okay, okay, he's a great lead-off hitter. Jeter's great at moving guys over a base. So that's going to make things interesting at the top of the order. Good 1-2 combo. I will not complain about that. But gotta be kidding me!
First response at a Yankee messageboard I read from time to time, "Dear *** Noooooo" followed shortly by "It's better than a five year deal" (only four). My favorite response, "instead of 'We're just a bunch of idiots.' he will have to say 'We are just a bunch of consummate professionals.'"
And it's not just Yankee fans saying this, Joy of Sox says:
New York is paying for what Damon was, not what he will be. There can be no doubt that his four years in Boston will turn out to be far more productive than his four in the Bronx.Red Sox Chick opines:
Damon's the original Idiot, the hirsute anti-Yankee who drilled the grand slam to ice Game 7. Yankee fans hate this guy. Now they have to pretend to like him, just like they're doing with Randy Johnson.
He's a great lead-off hitter. No argument there. But that is pretty much it. Everything else is either bad or annoying and yet the Red Sox fans embraced him. I have a feeling the same won't happen in New York.... Not the team. I mean it's a little lousy for the team...but I'm not worried in that regard. They'll find a centerfielder who can actually throw the ball to the infield.IMPORTANT NOTE: I got the links to these blogs from my wife's blog. I do not consult these on a regular basis.
Here's what bugs me the most, a few quotes from the new acquisition:
They were coming after me aggressively. We know George Steinbrenner's reputation. [Yeah, heard you say that back in May when discussing your pending Free Agent status. You said you knew they'd come hard and with money and you essentially said "doesn't matter, never gonna happen"]He always wants to have the best players. He showed that tonight. [You arrogant punk!]He and Brian Cashman came after me hard. Now I'm part of the Yankees and that great lineup. We're going to be tough to beat.["We"? "We"? Slow down, kemo sabe. Not sure it's "we" yet. You know how long it took Roger to earn his 'stripes? Took A-Rod longer (some say he hasn't earned 'em yet!) You have no fans in NY. Watch the pronouns, cowboy]and
Our policy with the Yankees is to go out and win, and we're going to try to bring another championship to them. They haven't had a championship since Chuck Knoblauch was there when they had a great leadoff hitter so I think the leadoff role has been underappreciated. A good leadoff hitter is tough to find and I think New York just found the best leadoff hitter in the game.[Nice bit of analysis re: Knobby--you probably had to pay someone for it, or Cashman told you that little fact. But that kind of pride and aggrandizement belongs in the WWF, not in Yankee stadium. You're a pretty good player amongst some great ones--and in the shadow of greater. Shut up and go tend to your hair-do, caveman]Ah well, at least I got to read this in a Boston Globe column this morning.
So now your Boston Red Sox have no center fielder, no shortstop, and no first baseman to go along with no Theo Epstein and no clue. It's fair to say this is becoming a winter of discontent in Red Sox Nation. Ben and Jed and Craig and Larry and Tom and John and Crosby, Stills & Nash can spin this anyway they want, but Sox fans can't escape the conclusion that there's chaos at the top. The Josh Beckett trade bought some goodwill and glad tidings, but losing Damon to the Yankees is a devastating blow to the foundation of the Nation.Schadenfreude may not be nice, but it can be fun.
The Sox won't recover from this one easily. In an already dismal offseason, they've now lost their center fielder and their leadoff hitter. They've also lost a local icon, a rare favorite of teenage girls and fanboy bloggers. Losing Damon hurts them on the field and in the arena of popular opinion. And losing Damon to the Yankees compounds the damage. When Alex Rodriguez got away a couple of years ago, Sox fans were fairly quick to scorn A-Rod and move forward.
Losing Damon won't draw the same reaction. The Idiot center fielder is Johnny Angel with Sox fans and his production in pinstripes will be a personal affront to Red Sox fans around the world.
Prediction: We will get 1-2 good years out of him, and then we'll be right back where we were with Bernie in '04 and '05. The A-Rod deal was over the top (and so far, not really that effective). The Johnson deal was dumb (see this post-season and June-July). This deal was wrong.
Posted by Hobster at 09:44 3 comments
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
A Few Comic Strips for your Perusal
Not sure how many of you read Boondocks, but it's frequently hilarious (and fairly thought provoking). Incidentally, Cartoon Network's new animted show based on the strip is pretty good, too. Anyway, last week's story arch was fantastic: great job showing the unusual mix between Santa and Christ that happens all too easily in our culture: Monday's is a must read; Tuesday's starts to take it in a different direction; Wednesday's is freakishly perceptive--how many kids have this understanding?; Thursday's and Friday's get a bet pedantic; and Saturday's brings us back to Tues. ending the story perfectly.
Partially Clips ("a web comic for grownups")--is usually worth a read, but Ordering Soda is a classic.
And if you haven't stumbled across The Pet Professional yet...give it a look, probably best to start at the beginning.
Posted by Hobster at 02:53 0 comments
Big News
Haven't had much to say the last few days, not sure why. But hopefully that'll change over the next few.
When I got home from work tonight (technically, this morning) I had waiting for me some big news. I'm a commissioner to this year's General Assembly of the OPC. [gulp] Downside: another week away from wife and kids. Upside: get to see presbyterianism in action at the broadest level, and get to play my small part. :)
Posted by Hobster at 02:50 3 comments
Thursday, December 15, 2005
2005 in Review
Back in college I picked up a book by James Lileks, Notes of a Nervous Man or something. Struck me as sort of a poor man's Dave Barry (my estimation at the time). Don't get me wrong, I liked it. A shadow of Barry is still better than just about anything. Anyhow, mostly lost track of him right after that.
Stumbled on to him a time or two since online, but didn't seem to be as funny as that book. But thankfully, Not So Fast pointed me to his year in review for 2005: A 2005 Rollick. Couple of highlights:
Pope John Paul II dies. To the horror of many, his successor turns out to be Catholic.Just a couple, the rest is well worth reading....
John Bolton is nominated to be U.S. ambassador to the U.N., despite his moustache.
The 1,587th death in Iraq provokes no major display of eye-catching graphics in the Western media, as it is not a round number.
Harriet Miers is nominated for the Fairfax school board. No, wait—the Supreme Court. ...Miers’s nomination is withdrawn after it is revealed she was actually a cyborg, sent from the future by Karl Rove’s son to revitalize the conservative base. She is disassembled and put in storage.
Posted by Hobster at 16:37 2 comments
Isn't it Ironic, Don't Ya Think?
McDonald's too tempting for WTO protesters
McDonald's, the very symbol of globalisation, is used to having its windows broken during violent protests at World Trade Organisation (WTO) summits, but not in Hong Kong where one group met for breakfast on Thursday.
Posted by Hobster at 15:27 1 comments
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
Finished with my Hermeneutics final about an hour ago. Am free to hang out with the family and read what I want 'til Jan. 3 (minus a couple days with the family for travel, etc.).
This term was a lot more draining for me than the last couple--odd, because my responsibilities at church were lessened, my work hours were a little shorter. Oh well. It's over, praise the Lord. Now I can prepare for what's coming.
Will try to blog something more, um, material tomorrow. Sorry cent, know you hate these "this is where I am" posts.
Posted by Hobster at 15:04 3 comments
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Must Read
A Healthy Church: How the congregation becomes--and stays--healthy. An interview with Mark Dever, who despite being a baptist, is always worth listening to.
h/t: Reformation21's Blog. Speaking of Reformation21, I'm very glad to read Carl Trueman whenever he talks about Camille Paglia as he did yesterday. I became a Paglia fan (well, not really fan, but that'll do for now) back in college, and had always felt guilty about it. But I figure if a TR guy like Trueman can like her (for most of the reasons I do--esp. share his last), hey a little less guilt in my life today. :)
Posted by Hobster at 10:27 3 comments
Housekeeping Tip of the Day
When making coffee, it's a good idea to put the carafe in its place before turning on the machine and heading off to sort through laundry. Failure to do so will result in a large, hot mess.
And you'll waste a cup or two of coffee.
Now, I really don't think I can be held morally culpable here...I hadn't had my first cup of the day yet.
Posted by Hobster at 09:46 3 comments
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Death du Jour
Just to get my brain working again after being spent on my term paper and a series of exhortation in which I covered the major portions Philippians (pretty much anyway, one or two more and I'd be completely satisfied), I needed to read a novel. Preferably mystery. Inspired by Bones to try out Kathy Reichs' mystery novels I wanted to go back to the beginning, Déjá Dead--I hate jumping into a novel series mid-stream. I will do it, but I'll hate it. Of course, the local library's copy was out last week, so I settled with book two, Death du Jour--close enough to the beginning.
First thing that hit me--the Temperance Brennan of Reichs' novels is not Bones' Temperance Brennan aside from the name and occupation. That fact kept hitting me over the head for the first 200 +/- pages. And not like RBP's Spenser isn't Spenser: For Hire. This woman is older (well, duh, Fox isn't going to center a new show around a middle-aged woman)--but this woman has a kid in college, not only gets pop culture references, she makes them. The character as a whole is different. (and don't get me started on Andrew Ryan vs. Seeley Booth)
I was finally able to get that out of my mind (which is part of the reason I'm cutting that previous paragraph short, I had a pretty good list going there). It took me awhile, but I came to sorta like this version of Tempe (from here on out, on the Noise book Brennan=Tempe, TV Brennan=Bones, assuming I remember that, and assuming I ever read another one). Not so sure I liked Tempe's family (too cliché), her attachment to her cat (makes me yearn for something stable, like Susan Silverman's attachment to Pearl), the way that everything she did during the course of the novel was directly associated with everything else (sorry, slight spoiler). Her fans might celebrate that as complexity, I call it laziness.
Now, I'm not against writers having similar themes going on in what appear to be unrelated storylines. But if apparently unrelated storylines turn out to be all one huge convoluted storyline--you'd better make me believe it was possible. More coincidences in this book than most Dickens novels. So in Canada we have: the nun that was doing some documentary help on a consultation case, a arson-murder Tempe helps on, a professor she talks to about the first case (oh, and the prof happens to have the nun's niece working for her). In Texas Tempe's sister Harry takes some seminar at a junior college. In South Carolina Tempe's old buddy Sam who runs a wildlife refuge (of sorts) that she takes her daughter to for a paper the kid has to write is in the same county as some others tied into the arson-murder, and some bodies end up being found at the refuge. And every single one of these things is related to every single other in one huge, nation-wide plot.
Thankfully there's this forensic anthropologist that can put it all together--after fixating on a few red-herrings. But thankfully she has a dream that helps out.
Oh please.
The writing was at times clever, at times it felt like she was trying to hard. Gerald So said that the little of Reichs he'd sampled struck him as "common slightly overwritten thriller." Slightly overwritten pretty much nails it. The sex-scene, or almost sex-scene was filled with much too much detail. Not writing as a prude, just someone who doesn't need that much filled out. Robert B. Parker can do more in 3 brief paragraphs on that topic than she did in her 2-3 very detailed pages.
That level of detail was also there in describing the bodies, in describing what insects do to cadavers (this is why I'm glad Gideon Oliver's bodies are usually skeletons--no insects), etc. Sometimes felt over the top, a little gratuitous. But hey, she's a scientist (a "squint" as Booth would say), let her strut her stuff.
On the whole, it was a good read--a little longer than I figured it'd take. I'm not rushing out to get number 3 (or number 1 if it happens to be in), definitely not adding her to my "to buy" list. But, satisfying read.
Posted by Hobster at 14:11 2 comments
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Fighting the lesser angels of my nature
Tomorrow morning's exhortation is on Phil 3:12-21 (or maybe just 16, still not sure). Anyhow, in one of those last second bursts of inspiration, I accidentally typed something that made me think of Cake's "The Distance." So now, as I work away on my notes about Paul's single minded pursuit of his goal, I keep thinking of using lines like
He's racing and pacing and plotting the course,or
He's fighting and biting and riding on his horse.
He's going the distance.
He's going for speed.
The green light flashes, the flags go up.I know I shouldn't, on so many levels, I'm fully aware I need to avoid it.
Churning and burning, they yearn for the cup.
They deftly maneuver and muscle for rank,
Fuel burning fast on an empty tank.
Reckless and wild, they pour through the turns.
Their prowess is potent and secretly stearn.
The question is, will I?
Posted by Hobster at 15:09 2 comments
In the doghouse
Well took the niece, the Mrs., and Frodo, Sam and the Princess to The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe last night (review to come). Left the Kidney Kid home with my sister.
I don't think he's forgiven me for that. He likes his auntie well enough in a group, but solo...he's not so sure about.
Well, apparently, his little brain has decided that this was my plan. It was all my doing. So all morning long, he's put extra effort into showing affection to everyone else, and is doing his best to ignore me (and his best is pretty good). I know there are Christian parents out there who are horrified--and will be more horrified when I say I'm doing absolutely nothing to correct him. Giving him a few opportunities to come say hi, etc. But I know this is the only way he can express himself, so I'm letting him do so.
LOL. Just as I'm about to post this he comes over to show me a picture he colored. I asked for a hug and he took two steps toward me, and then stopped and turned his back. Oh yeah, there's a grudge there.
Posted by Hobster at 09:10 2 comments
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Great Moments in Science
Coke to launch coffee-infused Coke Blak
Coca-Cola Co. (NYSE:KO - news), the world's No. 1 soft drink company, on Wednesday said it will launch a coffee-infused soft drink called Coca-Cola Blak in various markets around the world in 2006.
The new drink, a combination of Coca-Cola Classic and coffee extracts...
Posted by Hobster at 12:27 2 comments
Call to the Cross
Nothing is so incongruous in a Christian, and foreign to his character, as to seek ease and rest; and to be engrossed with the present life is foreign to our profession and enlistment. Thy Master was crucified, and dost thou seek ease? Thy Master was pierced with nails, and dost thou live delicately? Do these things become a noble soldier? Wherefore Paul saith, "Many walk, of whom I told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ." Since there were some who made a pretense of Christianity, yet lived in ease and luxury, and this is contrary to the Cross: therefore he thus spoke. For the cross belongs to a soul at its post for the fight, longing to die, seeking nothing like ease, whilst their conduct is of the contrary sort. So that even if they say, they are Christ’s, still they are as it were enemies of the Cross. For did they love the Cross, they would strive to live the crucified life. Was not thy Master hung upon the tree? Do thou otherwise imitate Him. Crucify thyself, though no one crucify thee. Crucify thyself, not that thou mayest slay thyself, God forbid, for that is a wicked thing, but as Paul said, "The world hath been crucified unto me and I unto the world." (Gal. vi. 14.) If thou lovest thy Master, die His death. Learn how great is the power of the Cross; how many good things it hath achieved, and doth still: how it is the safety of our life. Through it all things are done. Baptism is through the Cross, for we must receive that seal. The laying on of hands is through the Cross. If we are on journeys, if we are at home, wherever we are, the Cross is a great good, the armor of salvation, a shield which cannot be beaten down, a weapon to oppose the devil; thou bearest the Cross when thou art at enmity with him, not simply when thou sealest thyself by it, but when thou sufferest the things belonging to the Cross. Christ thought fit to call our sufferings by the name of the Cross. As when he saith, "Except a man take up his cross and follow Me" (Matt. xvi. 24.), i.e. except he be prepared to die. -- John Chrysostom, Homily on Philippians iii. 18–21. Emphasis mine.
Posted by Hobster at 10:18 1 comments
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Our faith is built upon
On my way to look at something else today, I skimmed through a part of a sermon by John Owen called "The Testimony of the Church is not the Only nor the Chief Reason of our Believing the Scripture to be the Word of God." (try fitting that on a readerboard today!) Couple of paragraphs struck me as worth repeating (well, all of it did, but these particularly.
Our faith is built upon no worse a bottom than the infinite veracity of Him who is the truth itself, revealing himself to us in the Scripture of truth, and not on the sandy foundation of any human testimony: — it leans upon God, not upon men; upon "Thus saith the LORD," not, "Thus saith the church." Though we despise not the true church, but pay reverence to all that authority wherewith God hath vested it, yet we dare not set it up in God’s place. We are willing it should be a help to our faith, but not the foundation of it; and so should do its own office, but not invade God’s seat, nor take his work out of his hands: that would neither be for his glory nor our own security. Our faith is a better than such an one would be: we receive it not from churches, from popes, from councils; but from God himself, that cannot lie to us, and will not deceive us. If we are beholden to men, parents, ministers, etc., for putting the Bible into our hands, and directing us to the Scripture; yet when we read it, hear it opened, and are enlightened by it, and see what a spirit there is in it; when the word enters into us, as the sunbeams into a dark room, and gives us light, Psalm 119:130; when we see its excellency, are ravished with its beauty, taste its sweetness, feel its power, admire its majesty; when we find it to be such a word as searcheth our hearts, judgeth our thoughts, tells us all that is within us, all that ever we did in our lives, John 4:29, awakens our consciences, commands the most inward spiritual obedience, sets before us the noblest ends, and offers us the most glorious reward, — an unseen one, — an eternal one; — then we come to acknowledge that of a truth God is in it, — no mere creature could be the author of it. And so we believe it, not because men have ministerially led us to the knowledge of it, or have persuaded or commanded us to receive it, or told us it is of God; but because we ourselves have heard and felt him speaking in it. The Spirit shines into our minds by the light of this word, and speaks loudly to our hearts by the power of it, and plainly tells whose word it is; and so makes us yield to God’s authority. Take a Christian whose faith is thus bottomed, and overturn it, if you can: — you must first beat him out of his senses, — persuade him he hath no eyes, no taste, no feeling, no understanding, no affections, no reflection upon himself, no knowledge of what is done in his own soul, and so, indeed, that he is not a man, but a brute or a stock, — ere ever you can persuade him that the Scripture is not the word of God.and
Our faith being built upon the truth of God himself, and our comfort upon our faith, so long as our foundation remains immovable, we need not fear our superstructure. If our faith have good footing, our hopes and comforts will keep their standing. Faith in the promises is that from whence all the comfort of our hearts, and our "rejoicing in hope of the glory of God," doth proceed, Romans 5:2. A Christian’s joy, "is joy in believing;" and his peace, "the peace of God," Philippians 4:7; and his comforts, the comforts of the Holy Ghost: but this can never be, if our faith be founded immediately on the testimony of men, and not of God; or if we believe the promises of the word to be made by God, because men tell us he made them. So long as we hold to the "sure word," 2 Peter 1:19, we have sure hopes and sure comforts, and no longer.
Posted by Hobster at 14:03 1 comments
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
The Gathering Forsaken
Mega-Churches like Willow Creek Community Church, Mars Hill Bible Church, Fellowship Church near Dallas, are canceling their worship services on December 25th. And many of those who aren't canceling, are "scaling back" their services. I read this on World's Blog this morning and was floored. Which shifted quickly into, "of course, what did I expect." I've wavered between anger and mourning the rest of the day when I think about it.
It's not just the big nasty evangsell-outs thinking this way. Had one member of my church speak to me in shock and awe that we're going to have our two regular services that day. I did restrain myself and spared that person a tongue lashing--growth in sanctification on my part. (incidentally, our pastor won't be doing one of the two typical Reformed Christmas Sermons: something about the birth of Christ or something about 'what place has Christ with Belial?'--we'll be getting whatever passage is next in his series in Luke and 1 Samuel. YAY)
I realize I'm way behind the curve, as the Jollyblogger pointed out--the blogosphere is full of denunciations of this. But I wanted to vent a little myself. BTW, before I forget, I share ol' Jolly's recommendation of: Public Worship to Be Preferred Before Private by David Clarkson and had considered keeping a handful of copies on my person to hand out to anyone else at church who are in the same boat with the previously mentioned congregant.
I remember a few years ago when I said something to a fellow church member about seeing him on that Lord's Day (happened to be Easter) and he said, "Probably not, going to mother-in-law's to see her church's Easter cantata--it's a day to be with family." Now, as one who sees each and every Lord's Day as THE day to celebrate the incarnation, life, death and resurrection of our Lord, I didn't care for this at all. But even if I was one of those (IMHO) misguided and superstitious ones who put a mystical and/or religious significance to Easter/Christmas, I think I would realize that those are the days you should be with your spiritual family celebrating in the presence of the One Whom the "holiday" is supposedly about! That was bad enough to leave a nasty taste in my mouth for about 7 years (really don't hold anything against this person, just his thinking). But what we have here is a totally different animal.
As Dennis Miller used to day, I don't want to get off on a rant here, but this is worse. What we have here is a denial of the means of grace on the part of behalf those are entrusted to.
This is sin. This is a wide-spread case of shepherds deserting their flock (in effect)--albeit for "one week only." Sure, we read that Christians are to "not [neglect] to meet together, as is the habit of some." But apparently, these ordained servants of God, leaders of the church, think that it's okay to deny the brethren the meeting! And for a silly, fluffy excuse that "people need to be with their families" or "It's more than being family-friendly. It's being lifestyle-friendly for people who are just very, very busy." (this from Willow Creek spokeswoman Cally Parkinson). Sin almost seems like too kind a word for this skubalon.
All over this world, there are Christians who gather for worship, wondering if today's the day that the machine gun-toting soldiers come marching in to take them away. But they gather. They sing. They pray. They hear preaching.
But here, in this "blessed land" we'll call off services--not so that members don't have to worry about being killed, imprisoned, raped or sold into slavery. But so they can sit around a tree in their pj's, sipping hot cocoa with their family to a Bing Crosby soundtrack.
God have mercy on us all.
Posted by Hobster at 14:45 5 comments
Wasted Money -- Sky High
Rented Sky High Friday night. Kids really enjoyed it. Frodo loved it. Has asked to watch it again. If I let him, he'd squeeze in 3 more times (at least) before I return it tomorrow. Which means I'm going to have to buy the thing--which I almost did Friday before opting to "save money" and rent. So now I'm out purchase price and rental fee.
Russel was good, Mrs. Travolta (don't care enough to look up the name) was good, kids were pretty good for kid, Campbell went out and did is thing well, Lynda Carter was almost as good as she could've been, Foley was great, as was fellow Kid in the Hall ol' whathisname. Plot was predictable but good, some really funny moments. Good family fun, well's not The Incredibles, but it ain't FF either.
Posted by Hobster at 11:54 1 comments
handful of things to read
- Republicanism in decline - by the hero of today, Tony Snow
When Democrats gibber about Republicans' writhing in a culture of corruption, they're on to something -- but not what they think. The Republican Party in Washington is in trouble not because it's overrun by crooks, but because it's packed with cowards -- and has degenerated into a caricature of the party that swept to power 11 years ago promising to take on the federal bureaucracy and liberate the creative genius of American society.
- Don't Bend The Wire
- Machen's Judicial Philosophy
- for a few days I've been wanting to write a summary, response, and hip-hip-hooray for Carl Trueman's Review of Is the Reformation Over? I've decided to go quicker: whoo-hoo! go read this!
- Of Diapers and the Pleasure of God: A Christian View of Parenting
- Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen: ten years after It's been ten years???
If we want to restore respect for human laws, we shall have to get rid of this notion that judges and juries exist only for the utilitarian purpose of the protection of society, and shall have to restore the notion that they exist for the purposes of justice.
Dr. Bahnsen's life was like a large rock splashing in a quiet mill pond. Although the splash was over only too quickly, the rippling waves of good will wrought by him living his life and ministry, shall continue to make their way toward the hopeful shore.
"while he was one of the keenest minds in the world of Christian apologetics, he had a gentle heart and always stressed love in 'the battle.' His Legacy is in the spirit of the Bereans."
Dr. Bahnsen was among a special breed of men whose very heartbeat seemed destined to motivate and inspire others. I am not myself of that gracious calling, but I know that sort of leadership when I see it, and can't help but to cleave to and reverence it.
Posted by Hobster at 09:36 1 comments
Monday, December 05, 2005
Creed IV
For those of you in the sloughs of despond that you won't be able to hear a fourth album from Creed given their break up. What would things sound like following Weathered?
I've got a pretty good idea: The Great Divide. I honestly feared it would be: a. 12 songs in the vein of "With Arms Wide Open" or whatever that pablum was Stapp offered to The Passsion album b. an attempt to go pop. Thankfully, it was neither. There are a couple of tracks that just didn't work, and I trust the collaborative process involved in a band would've kept him from trying a couple things (not going to list examples, because I left the CD in the van). And I'm honestly not sure if he was just this guy coming to a record company w/o his sales record he'd have gotten a deal.
But this isn't supposed to be a slam--having listened 3-4 times through, there are a copule tracks I can sing a long to--some catchy stuff. On the whole, I like the album, and if he gets to make Creed V and develop things on his own a bit, I'll be there.
Posted by Hobster at 09:14 1 comments
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Haaaaave you met Ted?
Why did I feel like Doogie Howser after hitting "publish" on that last post?
Speaking of Neil Patrick Harris, love what he's doing as Barney on How I Met Your Mother. It's legen...wait for it...and I hope you're not lactose-intolerant 'cause the second half of that word is...dairy!
Posted by Hobster at 23:20 1 comments
You ever have one of those days...
This day did not get off to an auspicious start. Limped (literally) back into the house about 2:45--shift went long, first night w/o my ankle splint (not the right night to try that)...tired after a week of constant writing.* As kletois and my wife who had to deal with my ranting about the piss-poor management currently running things at the store can testify, I was a little ticked off.
With little time left, I try to wrap up my notes for the Sunday School class on the histories of the OT and NT texts, as well as a much needed edit on my sermon (pastor's still on vacation). Run out of gass quickly and crash hard.
Handful of minor crisis (some significant) await me on the other side of consciousness, so my still-foul mood has turned to something worse. And sure, at this point there's no reason for my mood to be foul, but it is.
And then...
Sunday School went better than I expected. The sermon, honestly not sure what others thought, but I liked it. Was far less dependent upon my notes than I normally am (part of that is due to the fact I hadn't, y'know, actually written any notes for part of it other than "say something about X" before I'd fallen asleep). So by the end of the service, I'd managed to take my eyes off myself and put them back where they were supposed to be.
And then...
A couple of older ladies stayed longer than they normally would 'til I got done fussing with this and that to clean up, just so they could tell me how much I've improved in my preaching. That floored me. These women aren't exactly effusive in their compliments--you get a "that was good" from them, and want to buy a round for everyone in the bar (y'know, if you were in one). I'll be honest with ya, all the mental exhaustion, remnants of the bad attitude, all that...gone. kaput. vanished.
It's really amazing what a kind word can do. I hope I expressed myself well enough when I thanked them for their encouragement--they made my month.
*oh, okay, it was more like constant staring at a screen, sometimes interrupted by brief bursts of typing
Posted by Hobster at 23:15 1 comments
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Nice article from The Boston Globe
1. It's inspirational, because it features someone writing. Something I'd like to be doing. Right. Now. (see yesterday's title)
2. It talks about Dennis Lehane working on his next book, which is always a good thing.
3. But beyond that, it's got everything, fathers and sons, brother and brother, and a killer first line.
Posted by Hobster at 10:01 3 comments
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
I've got a paper due Thursday
Writing comes easy. All you have to do is stare at a blank piece of paper until your forehead bleeds. -- Douglas AdamsReplacing the blank piece of paper with a Word screen designed to look like a blank piece of paper seems to have no effect. Still blank. Still waiting for the forehead to bleed.
Posted by Hobster at 10:38 1 comments
Monday, November 28, 2005
Education Deficit Disorder
Frankly, that's probably the real disorder fueling Ritalin and Adderall administration.
In his testimony to the Pennsylvania House Democratic Policy Committee, Bruce Wiseman, National President of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, stated that "thousands of children put on psychiatric drugs are simply 'smart.'" He quoted the late Sydney Walker, a psychiatrist and neurologist, as saying, "They're hyper not because their brains don't work right, but because they spend most of the day waiting for slower students to catch up with them. These students are bored to tears, and people who are bored fidget, wiggle, scratch, stretch, and (especially if they are boys) start looking for ways to get into trouble."
read-on The Myth of ADHD. Not much new here, but a good intro/reminder (depending on what you need).
Posted by Hobster at 11:34 4 comments
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Couldn't have put it better myself
You know how every now and then you'll hear or read something that pretty much sums up the way you've thought/believed for years--decades even--but have never been able to express satisfactory manner? You feel elated to see that someone was able to, but a little bitter because it wasn't you.
I had that experience last night while polishing off Rex Stout's Before Midnight for the umpteen millionth time:
I would appreciate it if they would call a halt on all their devoted efforts to find a way to abolish war or eliminate disease or run trains with atoms or extend the span of human life to a couple of centuries, and everybody concentrate for a while on how to wake me up in the morning without my resenting it. It may be that a bevy of beautiful maidens in pure silk yellow very sheer gowns, barefooted, singing Oh, What a Beautiful Morning and scattering rose petals over me would do the trick, but I'd have to try it. -- Archie Goodwin
Posted by Hobster at 09:31 0 comments
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Nice evening
Pushed aside pretty much everything tonight, and just hung out with the family. It was Samwise's 6th birthday, so turned off the computer, closed the books and was just a dad and husband (and a napper for a brief while). Great night.
6th birthday? My second child is 6. Yeeeesh, I'm old.
Posted by Hobster at 00:33 3 comments
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
A National Punch-Line and a Local Shame
Idaho town votes to rename itself
Officials in the northern Idaho town of Santa, Idaho, on Monday voted to rename the 115-person hamlet to hype an online gift exchange management service.
hat tip: Huckleberries Online
Posted by Hobster at 16:31 1 comments
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Recommended Reads...
Too tired to come up with something more consequential than my last post, but feel the need to post something. So here's a handful of links collected over the last few days worth reading and thinking about (in no particular order):
- Reinventing Church...Business
- Christ Crucified
- Bad Beliefs Die Hard -- I had a similar reaction to Horton's article, glad to see a smarter man than I did, too.
- Challies asks the important question, "How Crassly Is The Church Being Used?"
- This interview with Ben Witherington isn't really that helpful, unless you read it so that you can understand Steve Hays' take on it.
- If you're following my series on Robert Millet's book (currently on hiatus), you know how much his watered-down LDS thinking bugs me. Well, apparently, it bugs at least one Latter-Day Saint--Joseph Fielding McConkie. Read this talk, The First Vision and Religous Tolerance (part 1, part 2). Great stuff--half of which I utterly agree with. The rest is from The Pit, but I'm happy to see him stand his ground. (oh, also check out this Dividing Line webcast covering the talk)
Posted by Hobster at 23:29 2 comments
Friday, November 18, 2005
Some Hearts Live-Blog
Friday afternoon, brain's not chugging on all cylinders, so we'll go with something easy here. I'll unwrap the debut album from Carrie Underwood, this year's American Idol (for the 3 of you--and kletois--that didn't get the memo), and give it a listen:
- Wasted Am 2:09 into this song when I decide to start live-blogging this. Music is pretty much standard country, but her vocals are typically strong. This is why she won. Good start out of the gate.
- Don't Forget to Remember Me..."It was a'ight." Nice song, doubt I'll be adding it to any play-lists. Very sentimental, very Martina/Faith-esque. (shock!) Okay, I'm cheating a bit here, on the 2nd listen before I posted. The song's better than I thought initially
- Some Hearts Dang! Take that, Clarkson. Poppy, yet true to her country roots. Randy opines, "That was the bomb!" Paula claps and weeps, "I'm proud of you, you really made this song your own. You were having fun there in the studio, and you can really feel that"
- Jesus, Take the Wheel um...have heard a lot about this, never heard it yet. Weakest so far. But not bad. Just trite. I'm not gonna touch the theology. Probably sounder than 70% of the stuff on CCM charts at the moment, anyway.
- The Night Before yawn. Pretty, but boring. Will sell very well, video will be huge on CMT.
- Lessons Learnedeh. better than The Night Before, 'bout sums it up.
- Before He Cheats sort of a new-school country feel to the song, but you don't get more old-school than a song 'bout yer man cheatin'. Fun song. Good vocals.
- Starts with Goodbye Different feel than the other ballads, less countryish. Pretty good. Still Martina/Faith-esque, but, um, that's pretty much Carrie Underwood, right?
- I Just Can't Live a Lie I really wish there was something stand-out enough here to say...the vocals are really good. The lyrics and music are well...pretty standard. Again, this'll be a big hit, no doubt, but not one I'd go out of my way to hear.
- We're Young and Beautiful Nothing profound here, but fun song.
- That's Where It Is See track 4.
- Whenever you Remember This could've been the song that the Idol producers used for the finale. Probably would've liked it better, actually.
- I ain't in Checotah Anymore Carrie actually co-wrote this one, so one would think you hear a bit more of her in this, y'know. Nice "little-town-girl-makes-it-big" song. Almost an anti-"Baby Girl." Which isn't really right, but it's close enough for this.
- Inside Your Heaven ugh. I guess they had to put this on.
Probably doesn't sound like it, but I enjoyed the album. Pretty good stuff. Sure, I was less than impressed with the ballads, but there are precious few country ballads I really care for. "Whiskey Lullaby" is the only one I can think of from this year that does anything for me, so it's no slight to Carrie that I didn't care for what her songwriters brought her. She did well with them. This is much better than Fantasia did with her big shot (and Fantasia's a better singer). That's pretty much a back-handed compliment, not intended to be.
(celebrity voices impersonated...poorly)
Posted by Hobster at 15:27 0 comments
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Well, it is that week... I feel obligated to post this. All non- Idahoans can skip this one.
From the comments at Huckleberries Online:
Q: What do a BSU student and a U of I student have in common?
A: They both got into BSU.
Posted by Hobster at 16:10 1 comments
How to Understand Guys
For those of the female persuasion out there trying to understand the male of the species, here's some help. Not quite as good as Dave Barry's Complete Guide to Guys or Don't Stand Too Close to a Naked Man, and definitely not even close to High Fidelity. But, this does a pretty good job.
This is also helpful for the men in the audience wanting an easy way to explain our gender without actually having to talk.
Posted by Hobster at 08:41 0 comments
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
I liked the pilot episode, but it wasn't great. It was...okay. Something to do while waiting for House to come on and the Mrs to come home from work. But thankfully, this show keeps getting better...last week's episode fired on all cylinders. The mystery was good, and provided a nice vehicle to get into Brennan's backstory. The supporting cast shone--even got something good out of the boss character, who always seemed like a throwaway. Perfect mix of utter despair and light moments. They're doing a better job of showing Boone as an investigator, not just someone to react to Brennan/Brennan's genius. He's becoming more of an Archie Goodwin than a Dr. Watson.
Tonight's show wasn't as good. But it was still up there. Boreanaz' physical reactions to Bones so casually putting the hand on like a glove, and the eyeballs in a jar were perfect. Nice to see him as something other than uber-broody Angel. (I understand he was a little less broody on Angel, but I've only seen a couple of episodes of that).
It's not quite "appointment TV" yet, but I bet House getting a new timeslot come January is going to make me miss many episodes.
Posted by Hobster at 20:11 5 comments
Monday, November 14, 2005
Begging Your Indulgence
Okay, so don't want this to turn into a "cute cat picture" kind of blog. But how do you not share these pictures? The Kidney Kid loves his Daddy's threads (well, shoes and cap anyway)
Posted by Hobster at 01:32 3 comments
Saturday, November 12, 2005
musing when I should be sleeping
Had a 1st season Monk re-run (man, I knew that show had gone more for the comedic lately, but seeing this episode really underlined how far they'd drifted!) on while I was doing some work tonight. When it was over, Frankie & Johnny started. I hadn't seen this underrated movie in a long time, so even tho it was edited for TV, decided to watch. Some random thoughts:
- I need to listen to more Debussy. Really don't think I know more than Clair de Lune and whatever they used for the Wings theme song (two Shaloub shows in one post...that's a record).
- Possibly the least comedic romantic comedy I can think of. Probably not the best follow-up to Pretty Woman for Garry Marshall.
- I think this was the first time I saw Nathan Lane. Dang, he's funny! Oh, imdb tells me I saw him first in Joe Versus the Volcano, but I've repressed every memory of that film.
- There's a lot of subtle work in this show. Don't normally think of Pacino or Lane as subtle, or even Elizondo.
- The supporting cast does excellent work, easy to be overlooked and not give it your all with Pacino and Pfeiffer headlining things.
- While she's made better movies, maybe even had better characters...don't know if I've been more impressed with a Pfeiffer performance.
- The ache of loneliness permeates this movie. Probably the greatest detraction from the comedy. Does a great job showing how empty people can be. Particularly in the final David E. Kelly-esque montage.
Posted by Hobster at 01:54 3 comments
Why I need to travel more
I've never seen this. Am told it's "a must see. . . American excess combined with American too-much-time-on-your-hands, with a delightful, though thoroughly useless, result."
Posted by Hobster at 00:26 1 comments
Monday, November 07, 2005
Stimulating Reading
Say what you will about Doug Wilson (and many have, do, and shall)...the guy is a stimulating writer--not always in the way he intends, I'm sure. I mention this, for two reasons, many of my friends will be made uncomfortable by the fact I'm complimenting him--good. It pays to be that way every now and then.
Secondly, two of his posts today are well worth reading a couple of times. First, is The Apostle Paul. Nice snapshot biography of's a keeper. The other is Not on the Ballot about the elections many of us have the chance to participate in tomorrow. A lot of it has nothing to do with anyone who reads this space, because none of us live in Moscow, ID. But there's some points well worth making/chuckling at/both.
For those who are readers of this blog residing elsewhere, it is quite possible that there is an election near you (except for you international readers), and so you too have an opportunity to get out there and vote against the Dumb Stuff. And when the Dumb Stuff seems overwhelming, just remember the two different approaches David could have taken with Goliath. The first is the counsel of despair. "He is so big! I can't win." The second, the counsel of faith, is: "He is so big! I can't miss." Lots of Dumb Stuff out there in a balloting booth near you -- you can't miss. Figuring out how to vote is like trying to hit a cow on the rear end with a canoe paddle.
Politics is not our savior, but it is important for us to be engaged in the political process. We only contend that we should be engaged in it with a right sense of priority and balance. In other words, we should be involved in the life of the community, including voting, for the same reason that we rake the leaves in our yard. It is the responsible thing to do. But we are to do it with full awareness that the state is not god, and we, the whispering voices of demos in the state's ear, are not god either. When I consider the religious fervor of those whose closest brush with the numinous is to put up lots of yard signs, I am reminded that only Jesus Christ is Lord.
The election is tomorrow. And on Wednesday, the day after the election, Jesus will still be Lord. It turns out that His name is not ever going to be on the ballot.
Posted by Hobster at 16:48 1 comments
A Reevaluation
Had some downtime this weekend, not enough energy to do/watch/read something productive, so the Mrs. and myself watched an episode of But Can They Sing?.
First, I hope I can spare some of you readers the pain: you always have something better to do than to watch this. For your own sake,for the sake of your children, for the sake of the nation--don't watch this thing.Secondly, having seen the feedback given by the coaches/judges on this show. I've come to reevaluate American Idol's Paul Abdul. She is a harsh, cruel b*tch, bent on destroying dreams and crushing hopes.
Posted by Hobster at 09:59 0 comments
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Rejoice in the Lord
The Christian religion is no morose system, stifling every spring of cheerfulness in the heart, or converting its waters into those of Marah. It lifts the spirit out of the thrall and misery of sin, and elevates it to the enjoyment of the divine favour, and the possession of the divine image; nay there is a luxury in that sorrow which weeps tears of genuine contrition. Therefore, to mope and mourn, to put on sackcloth and cleave to the dust, is not the part of those who are in the Lord, the exalted Saviour, who guarantees them “pleasures for evermore.” Such joy is not more remote from a gloomy and morbid melancholy, on the one hand, that it is, on the other hand, from the delirious ecstasies of fanaticism, or the inner trances and raptures of mystic Quietism. -- John Eadie
Posted by Hobster at 23:41 1 comments
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Hey, it's not supposed to bend that way
sigh...Apparently it's been to long since I've had a post containing the words: doctor, ER, or pain.
So last night, after most of the crew has been sent home I'm doing the typical hustle when he get a rush of cars in the drive-thru. And since the new manager they just transferred in can't seem to bother doing anything, I was hustling a little more than normal. I'm not exactly sure what happened, but I was bagging an order, taking one, and trying to start a basket of fries, and I was keeping myself from falling on the floor as my ankle bent in a way not matching original specifications, and my leg slipped out under me (for the record, I dropped no food). An off-duty manager catching up on paperwork told me he heard "popping." The manager who had been busily standing there, was forced to move while the off-duty guy compelled me to sit down and put my foot up.
After a few, I get up, foot's sore and stiff, but eh, whatever,
So I finish my shift a couple hours later, come home put my foot up and try to do some Greek homework. Before long, that soreness became really intense pain, I start shivering uncontrollably. But, I was able to get a good deal of homework done before I threw in the towel, went through the drive-thru and picked up a injury report (did you know fries don't come with that?).
Took the ER forever, given I seemed to be half of the patient populace, but they finally got me drugged-up and x-rayed. Nasty sprain. Should be back up and around like normal in a couple of weeks. Finally get home and only then get to sleep.
Now why do I go into this much detail? Why not simply say, "Sprained my ankle at work last night. Ow. Ow. Ow. Thank heavens for Vicodin!" So you, too, can appreciate the bitter irony that's been boring a hole in the back of my skull all day. When I temporarily regain consciousness mid-morning, I get this email from my Greek professor saying I need to be "more diligent with your time."
Since my friends have been going on about the fun of Prednisone over at Sea Salt & Vinegar, I figure I better throw in my review of Vicodin--like when I took it this summer--I'm woozy, tired, and semi-coherent. This time, at least, it's taking care of most of the pain. Anyhow, if this post isn't as semi-amusing as I think it is, I blame it on the pills.
Posted by Hobster at 23:03 4 comments
nip/tuck gets a major (and much needed) facelift! Great work, guys!
Posted by Hobster at 17:54 0 comments
Monday, October 31, 2005
Narnia Controversy
I've long thought that the idea of reading The Chronicles of Narnia in chronological order is plain silly. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was the first, and needs to be read first. Prequels, like The Magician's Nephew, demand a knowledge of the "quels" they're "pre-" to. As I've been reading the series with my kids over the last few months (we step into The Last Battle today), I've become even more convinced that Lewis told them in the right order when he wrote them, not when he talked about it later.
John Miller over at National Review Online makes the case wonderfully. Mostly by quoting the two books vying for first read. He's right, it's Wardrobe all the way.
Lewis put the matter more succinctly in a letter toward the end of his life: "An author doesn't necessarily understand the meaning of his own story better than anyone else."
Lewis of course understood the meaning of Narnia. But a wise expert is not the same thing as a final authority — and on the question of which Narnia book should come first, Lewis was utterly wrong.
Posted by Hobster at 10:20 3 comments
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Triumph of the Lamb
The United Reformed Church in Boise held their annual conference this weekend. Dennis Johnson, prof at WTS-Escondido and author of Triumph of the Lamb: A Commentary on Revelation, was this year's speaker.
attendance was typically small--which I find odd for a decent sized church that invites a few others. I counted people from at least 3 congregations there, and there were 28 of us Saturday morning. Still, it was worth it.
Friday night, however, was the first time I stopped moving in a few days. I'm guessing I was conscious for about 1/4 - 1/3 of it. In a crowd that small, am sure that he was very aware of it. ugh.
The lectures Saturday were pretty good, fairly interesting...even if I didn't agree with some of the interpretation. He gave the most fair and accurate description of the postmill position I've ever heard from an amiller.
All in all, well worth the time. Next year, they're planning on Robert Godfrey speaking. I'll drink a couple of gallons of coffee that afternoon so I don't have a repeat of this one ;)
Posted by Hobster at 23:16 2 comments
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Of the making of lists there is no end
Ye Olde Crusty Curmudgeon has linked to Time Magazine's list of 100 Best English Language Novels written during the magazine's existence. Like Ransom, I've read 14 of the 100, tho' I think his list commends him more highly for taste and overall piety than mine.
The English Major in me reacts somewhat defensively to my poor showing on the list: I have started a handful of the others, and for one reason or another didn't finish. Have read other works by authors that made the list. A few (not that many) are on my "must read before death" list--I even own some of those. But on the whole, Time would consider me an Philistine. But that's okay, I've been a Newsweek reader for almost 2 decades now anyway, so they'd think me suspect from the get-go :)Animal Farm - George Orwell Really enjoyed this book, haven't re-read it as often as I'd imagined I would. The essay I had to write on it in 10th Grade was the first time I can remember working a joke into something I wrote. All downhill from there. :)
The Big Sleep - Raymond Chandler My favorite Chandler book, can't remember how many times I've read it. Some absolutely classic lines...a novel that defined a genre.
The Day of the Locust - Nathanael West I don't understand why this novel and West aren't talked about or taught more. At the same time, I don't remember many novels that featured more depraved and bleaker characters. Which probably answers my question.
The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck I hated this book, truly. 'Tho the 3rd time I read it, I appreciated Steinbeck's work more, I really, really, really hated it. I will force my kids to read it, because it's one of those things you have to have read. But, I won't blame them for begrudging the experience.
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald When I first read this book, I held it in about the same esteem as the previous entry, but it grew on me. Don't know that I can say I'd pick it up again, but I wouldn't mind--and would probably enjoy--doing so.
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis Goes without saying that I agree with this one.
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov Bring on the hate mail: I love this book. I love Nabokov's use of language, the way he makes you sympathize with this scumbag of a narrator and then with a word or two makes you recoil in horror that you've done so. One of the all time best opening lines, IMHO. Absolutely lyrical.
Lord of the Flies - William Golding You can't fine a better depiction of total depravity by any extra-canonical writer. Sadly, that's the best I can say for the book
The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien Again, genre defining. Must read.
Neuromancer - William Gibson This book, this author, rocked my world. Always a joy to read. Ransom's probably right, Snow Crash is better. But you couldn't have gotten SC without this.
Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson I personally enjoyed Stephenson's The Diamond Age more, and think it shows a more mature author. But you can't beat the pacing, the style, the language.
The Sound and the Fury - William Faulkner You could sentence me to a lifetime of Faulkner reading, and I wouldn't complain too much. I would probably have selected other titles by him for the list, but can't knock this one.
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee When I compile my list of best/favorite novels this one competes with the next on the list for the top spot, and usually ends up winning. I tried to get my daughter named Scout once upon a time. Come to think of it, I think I lobbied for Harper, too. Anyway, Great book. Must, must, must read. And then re-read.
White Noise - Don DeLillo ummm, hello. Look at the top of the page! Loved it. Loved it. Loved it.
Posted by Hobster at 09:52 3 comments
Monday, October 24, 2005
Belated birthday
You may have noticed that I've begun occasionally noting significant birthdays. Yesterday was one of the more important ones (to me, anyway). On Oct 23 in Chillicothe, Ohio, Archie Goodwin entered this world--no doubt with a smile for the pretty nurses--and the face of American literature was destined to change.
I drank a glass of milk in his honor.
Posted by Hobster at 11:43 0 comments
Saturday, October 22, 2005
New Narnia Trailer!
This is a must see. Downloaded the QuickTime file a couple times, but couldn't get it to work. But was able to watch it a few times--actually, all six of us crowded around my monitor to watch it twice. Dec. 9th is too far away!!!
Oh, yeah, and a new Goblet of Fire trailer and scene are up, too. Fans need to check out the scene. Really looking forward to this one, too. Just not as much.
Posted by Hobster at 11:13 0 comments
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Good point
Over at Reformation 21's blog, this week they're talking about signs of a healthy church. One post that came out of left field for me, but rang so true, was Carl Trueman pointing to a sense of humor as a sign of a healthy church.
Humour speaks of perspective, and of realizing how insignificant are our own endeavors for the kingdom, of how ridiculous we -- and everyone else -- appears in the context of God's great design. The individual, congregation, or movement which has lost the ability to be self-deprecating about itself and humorous about life in general has lost perspective.He adds a well-aimed and much needed shot at joke telling in the pulpit, so he's not suggesting that churches become yuck-fests.
But he's right, a sense of humor does speak of perspective and does become the man/church of God. But you gotta hit it right, while trying to avoid being drier than dust we've got to be careful we don't go too far (for some reason I can't help but think of Moscow, ID when I say that)
Posted by Hobster at 16:02 0 comments
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
I really should know better
Just re-read the two pieces from the Oct 17th Newsweek on Mormonism (hey, thought we weren't supposed to call them that anymore!): The Mormon Odyssey and 'Solid, Strong, True'.
Ugh. Utter puff-pieces. Their look at the new Odd Couple revival in the same issue pulls fewer punches.
They come close to actually making the story interesting, and showing a little skepticism regarding Smith's claims (note they only use one version of the First Vision) in one paragraph. One.
Because of Mormonism's unique theology, some of which challenges early Christian creeds, many Christian denominations don't consider the LDS Church to be Christian. "There is no rightful claim by historic Mormon doctrine to the name Christian, because they deny almost every one of the major fundamental doctrines of Christendom," says Norman Geisler, founder of the Southern Evangelical Seminary. But for Latter-day Saints, who believe in the Jesus Christ of both the New Testament and the Book of Mormon, the cold shoulder from other denominations is baffling. "I am devastated when people say I am not a Christian, particularly when generally that means I am not a fourth-century Christian," says Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles."Fourth-century Christian." Oy. Someone's been reading Dan Brown. (yeah, yeah, oversimplification, I know)
You never see Newsweek exercise this much "blind faith" in the source documents, theologians when discussing the Resurrection, the Virgin Birth, etc.--as they will do in a month or so just in time for that one holiday (you know, the one with all the family movies). Disgusting.
Posted by Hobster at 18:55 8 comments
Joe's not going anywhere. I can't say that means as much this year as it would've a couple years ago, but I can't imagine anyone else running that team. Given what he had to work with this year, he did do a great job. Ultimately it was the guys on the field who failed.
(hey! I said the drop in sports posts is on the horizon--not here yet)
Posted by Hobster at 15:54 0 comments
Last Weekend
a quick follow-up to a previous entry.
I went to Colville, WA again, exhorted from Philippians 1 (am) & 2 (pm). And once again, it was a encouraging and edifying (and relaxing!) experience for my wife and myself. It was a new and demanding thing for me to do two services, but I felt a greater liberty and better command of the material than I'm used to. Not exactly sure why, but I'm sure not complaining. There's a lot I could rave about...the scenery, the oodles of deer everywhere you turned, or the hospitality. But the thing that I found most significant was the singing in the congregation. Some good voices, some decent, some neither. But they were serious about it, they sang out in joy, in faith, in praise. There was no doubt that these people took that aspect of the service seriously, and used it as an opportunity to glorify the Lord. Not to stumble and mumble through the song just as a way to get to the next item on the bulletin.
I'm firmly convinced that what we do in worship and how we do it says a lot about the God we worship. And yeah, I know you can't put the emphasis on the external, it's the heart hat matters, blah, blah, blah. Whatever. At the end of the day when your belief has to impact how you live. And we're called to sing praises. Therefore we need to sing praises. Not mark time. And you don't do that by running off to the latest and greatest Marantha! tune or Calvary Chapel ditty. You do that by using the words and music in front of you as a channel for your heart. Great singing is an indication of great love of a great God. I'll let you fill in the blanks for yourself what mediocre singing indicates.
Anyway, I found that aspect both a challenge and an inspiration to keep making a joyful noise to the Lord (and, am I ever so glad it's a joyful noise, not a beautiful sound I'm supposed to make!)
Should also note along these lines, I'm set for pulpit supply again. This time in the URC church here in Nampa on Oct. 30. Should be very interesting. Colville is at least OPC, I know the pastor, had a pretty good idea what the church and service would "feel" like. The URC is a foreign body really, in a way, tho' it'll be a shorter drive than the one to my home church, I'm probably going to feel further away than I did in Washington. Still, looking forward to it. Probably going to dust off something I've already done, rework it a bit, and see if I get better with practice :) (I'm honestly not holding out much hope for that)
Posted by Hobster at 15:04 10 comments
World Series is a comin'
...which means a drastic drop in sports-related posts is on the horizon (and 75% of my 10 readers cheer).How about those Sox? That pitching was a sight to behold! Those four guys in the picture (and their coach) deserve every accolade and $$ they can get from this (if you grant that throwing a tiny little ball at a man with a stick is worth millions of dollars). My only regret is not being able to see El Duque during the ALCS, other than a few shots of him in the bullpen before he was sat down...watching him work the end of the last Division Series game against Boston was wonderful. Hats off to Ozzie for letting those pitchers shine.
As much as I hate to say it, I'm glad the Yankees fell to the Angels. Watching Buehrle, Garcia, Garland and Contreras chip away at the bombers would've been too disheartening.
Now, I know very little about the National League. Maybe if I let myself spend more time on baseball (already spend too much) I'd get to know it better. But I've really appreciated what I've caught of the NLCS. I'm pulling for the 'stros--would love to see Pettitte get another shot on the big stage. Tonight's game was a great one--tough playing throughout. Good stuff, and then watching that crowd go crazy after the homer put them up You could almost imagine Roy Hobbs taking a practice swing or two.
And then Pujols. Wow. That's a series crushing blow. Or at least it can be. Sure, the Astros still lead this sucker 3-2. But if they're not careful, that one pitch, plus that one hit, can be the end of them. Anyone remember game 4 of the 2004 ALCS? That killed the Yankees. For their sakes, I hope the Astros can rebound in St. Louis.
Posted by Hobster at 01:51 0 comments
Thursday, October 13, 2005
At this moment
I'm NOT taking my mid-term for Hermeneutics. Why is this noteworthy? Because the rest of the class is taking it RIGHT NOW. Actually started about a half-an-hour ago.
I've yet to receive the exam, and the prof is off in New Zealand. No body at the seminary knows where the exam is, but they told me they'd look and send it to me if they found it. I checked with my mentor thinking, maybe they'd sent it to him. Nope.
I blew off Greek quizzes, lost sleep, grouched at my kids, for this thing. And they don't even have the decency to get it to me!
"Be angry and do not sin," I believe Paul said. Working really hard on the "not sinning" part right now, but got the former covered really well.
oh well, at least it gave me something to blog about.
UPDATE: About 8 minutes before the test was supposed to end, it showed up in my inbox. 11 minutes after that, I noticed it. Very unimpressed.
Posted by Hobster at 11:40 2 comments
Monday, October 10, 2005
ALDS Game 5
Posted by Hobster at 23:16 3 comments
Friday, October 07, 2005
One More Thought
As much as I was against the trade for the Big Unit. I'm very glad he'll be on the mound tonight.
Posted by Hobster at 12:03 4 comments
Awfully quiet this week
1. Very brain dead after working my posterior off (really, it's not there any more) for my Greek Mid-Term (and here).
2. On Monday, instead of the one sermon I'd been mulling over, I was asked to do two. Never wrote two in a week before. Still haven't, come to think of it--but I'm close.
Add those to together and you end up with very little time to hopefully entertain you here. More next week maybe, and the week after is Fall Break. So I'll either sleep for 7 days straight or post a novel here :)
Posted by Hobster at 11:59 0 comments
Great Moments in Science
This man deserves something for just having the idea--not sure what he deserves, but something.
Posted by Hobster at 11:57 0 comments
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Yeah, cuz I need more stress in my life
Okay, Yanks down by two in the bottom of the 8th with Leiter pitching (?!?!?!), gets to ya a bit. Even with yesterday's win.
But there's always something to make you feel better.
Posted by Hobster at 22:56 1 comments
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Don't Worry, Folks. It's only temporary
Had a couple of minutes to spare this morning, and needed to do something totally irresponsible and meaningless. So we have the "Postseason Template" that we'll hopefully be able to keep up for the whole month of October.
Posted by Hobster at 10:39 0 comments
Monday, October 03, 2005
Quote of the Day
"Now, the example of Christ is living legislation--law embodied and pictured in a perfect humanity. Not only does it exhibit every virtue, but it also enjoins it. In showing what is, it enacts what ought to be. When it tells us how to live, it commands us so to live." John Eadie
Posted by Hobster at 08:45 0 comments
Saturday, October 01, 2005
I was wrong...proud to admit it
Yankees clinched the title...sweet.
Posted by Hobster at 14:45 2 comments
Friday, September 30, 2005
Season's Over
Calling it right now, mid-6th inning. Yankees are not in the playoffs this year. Sox win the AL East.
Posted by Hobster at 19:13 2 comments
Thursday, September 29, 2005
REYKJAVIK? Really?!?
Okay, doing that whole gvisit thing for a couple weeks now. No real surprises to be found...basically, my friends read this thing. But today found a couple of strange entries. Hong Kong, Reykjavik and Camden, NJ. To those readers/visitors, say Hi sometime, would like to know how/why you stumbed upon this spot. :)
Posted by Hobster at 15:40 0 comments
Who needs the Bambino?

Am pretty sure the Sox just ceded the moral authority to win the AL East. For proof, I offer the fact that following that pitch, Toronto (78-80) beat up on the defending champs 7-2 in the last week of the season.
Posted by Hobster at 11:12 0 comments
Distracted by a Shiny
Haven't been spending as much time over there as I once did...haven't been there in weeks, honestly. But has a new look.
For the record the reason I haven't been there recently is I haven't had time (like I haven't had time for 97% of the stuff I used to do online), not a reflection on townhall itself. Content there looks good as always. If you have the time to spend, I highly recommend spending some there.
Posted by Hobster at 10:58 0 comments
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
To live is Christ
Early in his letter to the Philippians, Paul encourages them not to worry about his imprisonment in Rome (and all that led up to that) because he can see the man behind the curtain, so to speak. He can see the Hand of Providence moving through his circumstances so that the gospel is being advanced in them. And he can therefore rejoice in them. Christ is being magnified in that advance and will be honored in what comes next--whether it's his execution or it's his release. Paul will rejoice in either of those, because Christ will be honored in his life or in his death. Why? Well for starters, to him, "to live is Christ."
As I was studying this recently, I was struck by the words of John Eadie,
Might not the sentiment be thus expanded? For me to live is Christ--the preaching of Christ is the business of my life; the presence of Christ the cheer of my life; the image of Christ the crown of my life; the spirit of Christ the life of my life; the love of Christ the power of my life; the will of Christ the law of my life; and the glory of Christ the end of my life. Christ was the absorbing element of his life. If he traveled, it was on Christ's errand; if he suffered, it was in Christ's service. When he spoke, his theme was Christ; and when he wrote, Christ filled his letters.Hendrickson isn't as poetic, but it does leave us a trail through Paul's thought, (just for ease of use, I threw his proofs down below so you can just scroll down to look at them).
to derive one's strength from Christ (Phil. 4:13), to have the mind, the humble disposition of Christ (Phil. 2:5-11), to know Christ with the knowledge of Christian experience (Phil. 3:8), to be covered by Christ's righteousness (Phil. 3:9), to rejoice in Christ (Phil. 3:1, 4:4), to live for Christ, that is his glory (2 Cor. 5:15), to rest one's faith on Christ and to love him in return for his love (Gal 2:20).And as wonderful as all that is, how that union, that identity is something we all would desire, long for...we need to remember the end of Paul's line: and to die is gain. It only gets better brothers and sisters. We can't lose sight of that.
Phil. 4:13: I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Phil. 2:5-11: Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Phil. 3:8: Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ
Phil. 3:1: Finally, my brothers,[a] rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you is no trouble to me and is safe for you.
Phil. 4:4: Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.
2 Cor. 5:15: and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.
Gal. 2:20: I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Posted by Hobster at 11:02 0 comments
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Oh, I'm gonna waste a lot of time here...
Whether you need some Alanis lyrics, a Hobbit name, a fake Rush album, a random medical term, or something useful...The Generator Blog is the place for you.
Posted by Hobster at 18:43 2 comments
What? No trilogy?
So last night we read the first part of the parable of the Prodigal Son--the part featuring the prodigal himself. Tonight we read the part of the snotty older brother. Afterwards, Frodo pipes up, "So tomorrow we read about him going in to the party?"
Am not really sure what bothered him about the negative answer--the fact that the story didn't end the way he expected, or that the brother didn't get his dad's point.
Posted by Hobster at 18:23 0 comments
A Barefaced Truth
Okay, small confession here. I don't really look like my profile picture anymore. When I sold my soul to that stupid clown, I had to shave my goatee. I hadn't done that in years and had really no plans to ever do that. But I was allowed to keep the 'stash. Never really liked the look, and whenever I have a few days off (like I did last week) I grow as much of my goatee back as I can.
But all good things have to come to an end, so minutes before reporting for duty last night I grab the clippers. Bzzzzt, bzzzzzt, bzzzzt "AAH!" The Scribbler comes running in to see what mortal wound I'd just received. Then she burst out laughing. Lost in thought and rushing too much, I'd chopped off a good-sized section of my moustache.
At the moment, I actually think it looks better. Scribbles says it makes me look "less child-molestery" (one co-worker agrees with that adjective). The Princess doesn't like it tho'. Will probably keep it for a few days at least, probably longer ('til my next vew days off anyway). Still, it's going to be a little scary going out into the real world like this...I mean, Spike gets more sun than this lip has for last decade.
Posted by Hobster at 11:39 0 comments
Lifting a Pint for Sam
Patriot Samuel Adams was born this day in 1722. Adams was one of the men behind the Boston Tea Party, was a delegate to the Contintental Congress 1774-1781, signed the Declaration of Independence, and served as Governor of Massachusetts (1794-1797). When he wasn't showing more political courage, backbone and conviction than every elected person currently in Washington, D. C., he brewed beer. From what I understand, he was a far better politician than a brewer. It's in this connection that most people know about him today (I don't even want to think about how many college freshman know what the Boston Tea Party is...), his name is now attached to a very fine beer (not a great one, mind you), but one worthy of the name.
Here's a few gems of wisdom from his pen:
If Virtue & Knowledge are diffus'd among the People, they will never be enslav'd. This will be their great Security.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsel or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands of those who feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you. May posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.
Posted by Hobster at 11:03 0 comments
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