Monday, November 07, 2005

Stimulating Reading

Say what you will about Doug Wilson (and many have, do, and shall)...the guy is a stimulating writer--not always in the way he intends, I'm sure. I mention this, for two reasons, many of my friends will be made uncomfortable by the fact I'm complimenting him--good. It pays to be that way every now and then.

Secondly, two of his posts today are well worth reading a couple of times. First, is The Apostle Paul. Nice snapshot biography of's a keeper. The other is Not on the Ballot about the elections many of us have the chance to participate in tomorrow. A lot of it has nothing to do with anyone who reads this space, because none of us live in Moscow, ID. But there's some points well worth making/chuckling at/both.

For those who are readers of this blog residing elsewhere, it is quite possible that there is an election near you (except for you international readers), and so you too have an opportunity to get out there and vote against the Dumb Stuff. And when the Dumb Stuff seems overwhelming, just remember the two different approaches David could have taken with Goliath. The first is the counsel of despair. "He is so big! I can't win." The second, the counsel of faith, is: "He is so big! I can't miss." Lots of Dumb Stuff out there in a balloting booth near you -- you can't miss. Figuring out how to vote is like trying to hit a cow on the rear end with a canoe paddle.

Politics is not our savior, but it is important for us to be engaged in the political process. We only contend that we should be engaged in it with a right sense of priority and balance. In other words, we should be involved in the life of the community, including voting, for the same reason that we rake the leaves in our yard. It is the responsible thing to do. But we are to do it with full awareness that the state is not god, and we, the whispering voices of demos in the state's ear, are not god either. When I consider the religious fervor of those whose closest brush with the numinous is to put up lots of yard signs, I am reminded that only Jesus Christ is Lord.

The election is tomorrow. And on Wednesday, the day after the election, Jesus will still be Lord. It turns out that His name is not ever going to be on the ballot.


girlfriday said...

Well said, Mr. Wilson.