Tuesday, November 15, 2005


I liked the pilot episode, but it wasn't great. It was...okay. Something to do while waiting for House to come on and the Mrs to come home from work. But thankfully, this show keeps getting better...last week's episode fired on all cylinders. The mystery was good, and provided a nice vehicle to get into Brennan's backstory. The supporting cast shone--even got something good out of the boss character, who always seemed like a throwaway. Perfect mix of utter despair and light moments. They're doing a better job of showing Boone as an investigator, not just someone to react to Brennan/Brennan's genius. He's becoming more of an Archie Goodwin than a Dr. Watson.

Tonight's show wasn't as good. But it was still up there. Boreanaz' physical reactions to Bones so casually putting the hand on like a glove, and the eyeballs in a jar were perfect. Nice to see him as something other than uber-broody Angel. (I understand he was a little less broody on Angel, but I've only seen a couple of episodes of that).

It's not quite "appointment TV" yet, but I bet House getting a new timeslot come January is going to make me miss many episodes.


girlfriday said...

You weren't missing much with Angel. Though Spike did apparate onto that show somehow.

Oh, and the kid is cute. Happy now?

girlfriday said...

I'm just jealous because I wasn't nominated for the award.

I happen to believe that kids in adult's clothes are really very cute. This kid is so cute, in fact, I still have his baby picture in my telephone.

rustypth said...

I've heard House is p. good

Gerald So said...

Bones is still something I watch during NCIS's commercial breaks and while waiting for House, waiting 'til the next day to watch the whole episode on tape--but I agree it's been getting better.

The whole cast seems to have an odd, bantering chemistry that works for them. I wish the personal revelations about Booth grew more organically out of the plot. As it is, the hints are dropped pretty heavily, but the series is definitely more than I expected.

kletois said...

I must disagree with girlfriday, Angel was worth waiting up for, except the final season of course. As for Bones, the last episode was a bit of a disappointment, though I have to admit that it was viewed while cramming for a geophysics exam. Im hoping for better with up and coming episodes of Bones.