Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Must Read

A Healthy Church: How the congregation becomes--and stays--healthy. An interview with Mark Dever, who despite being a baptist, is always worth listening to.

h/t: Reformation21's Blog. Speaking of Reformation21, I'm very glad to read Carl Trueman whenever he talks about Camille Paglia as he did yesterday. I became a Paglia fan (well, not really fan, but that'll do for now) back in college, and had always felt guilty about it. But I figure if a TR guy like Trueman can like her (for most of the reasons I do--esp. share his last), hey a little less guilt in my life today. :)


rustypth said...

despite being a Reformed Baptist, I still read your blog =)

Hobster said...

Good to see you're as open-minded as I am bud.

rustypth said...

lol - what're friends for? =)