Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Notes from the Sick Ward

Had really planned on a blog-splosion while I was on break. But got fairly distracted by several things around the house, reading for the Winter Term, and now a cold from h-e-double hockey-stick--which has taken out the whole household (tired would probably insert a covenant-head joke here, but it started with the Princess and then moved on to the Kidney Kid, which is a shame, because his joke would be funny).

Took the Kidney Kid in today, got a steroid shot to help his croup. Seems to be working. He's actually sleeping tonight, as is mommy. That's a major plus.

Have gotten some intersting reading done--many books started, none finished yet. Depending how tomorrow goes, I could have a few knocked off. Have got more sleep in the last few days than I have in the last few months. Very strange experience.

Hopefully will have a few things to say in the next couple of days. And next week--since I will have gobs and gobs of stuff to do, expect me to blog about a bazillion words a day.


rustypth said...

w00t - /me looks forward to the "gazillions of blog entries soon to come..."

feel better mate

girlfriday said...

Ah, rusty, Hobart can always count on your for a little "attaboy."

tired said...

Now now. If someone believed themselves slighted by the Princess, most wishes of Pox do indeed extend to the house.

We're presbyterians. The covenant is everything! :)