Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Personal Note

We all know the cliche, behind every good man is a good woman. What few bother to note, is that it's frequently true of even decent, tolerable, moderately okay, and us "not horrible" men. In our better moments, they're alongside us...but mostly, they're behind us, prodding us. I know that's the case with The Love of my Life--and by prodding, I mean prodding in a good way.

While I refer to her often around here, I don't talk much about her, I don't think she'd like it. I should probably talk more about how she makes me a better person (maybe in a difficult way to see, like subatomic particles, but still...)--I know all too well how useless I'd be without her, having glimpsed it not too long ago.

Would just like to take a brief moment to say "thank you" for that. For sticking with me, for working with me to raise the Offspring, for the award-winning work she does for the State of Idaho, for putting up with me, for pretending to be interested in a good deal of the myriad things that catch my eye, for making me think/talk about things I'm not that inclined to think/talk about, for laughing at more of my jokes than she wants to, for the long laundry-list of things I started out to say here and have temporarily forgotten.

Robert B. Parker has written about 60 novels, and has dedicated almost all-to-all of them to his wife, Joan. (so I recall, not in the mood to flip through all of them to verify). Similarly, I've written 1705 posts here, and if they carried dedications, they'd be for TLomL...and not just cuz she's the only one I know who reads them all. And honestly, that goes for just about everything I do.

Just hope she knows that.


Anonymous said...


very sweet


TLoHL said...

I love you.

Lockheed said...

Amen to both of you.