Thursday, May 03, 2007

Oh, not again!

Okay, so the desktop tanks a couple months back, but it's able to be rebuilt. Haven't totally moved back on to it. Mostly being used for something for my kids to play on, and me to download giant files on--I hadn't even recompiled (or copied over) my Firefox bookmarks!

I've been living on my laptop for the last few months (literally it seems)--email, banking, church stuff, writing stuff, html, communications in general, iTunes store, even most of my TV watching...anything I've spent time has been on it. And then last night I wake up and the screen is black. And I was given incontrovertible proof that my health has improved lately--I didn't go into cardiac arrest. Sadly...the hard-drive apparently flat-lined while I napped.

It looks like Dell is going to replace the drive--which I totally didn't expect. (yayyyyyy DELL!!) But the data's fate is still up in the air (I'm being incredibly, incredibly, uncharacteristically optimistic in saying that, actually). Sadly, have a few things with deadlines pending/past/looming. And all of those things--and the stuff I've really wanted to do--are at best pushed back by days. Probably weeks.

If I owe you a reply to an email, a blog, a response to an argument I started somewhere, a website...anything. Sorry, just telling you now, not gonna happen.

If this keeps up, I'll be using a legal pad and #2 pencil by the end of the year.