Well, last week certainly saw a big burst of posts around here, eh? Had some time off, got rested up, had some time to think--and got a lot of inspiration from my friends. Didn't realize how little ye olde brain was workin' 'til I caught my breath. Fear not--am back to busy, so things'll slow down for a bit (have half a dozen more thoughtful posts half-written).
In the meantime, here's a quick picture of The Offspring & me observing Towel Day...not had some issues getting the auto-timer on the camera coordinated with us, this is the best of the batch.

Got this song stuck in my head thanks to The Bob. Had to go out and track down the video, ahhh, the 80s....how I miss 'em.
I grew up in the 80's and all I don't remember this song or group for that matter. I was too busy listening to all the "famous" hair bands.
Your blog left, and now it's back! Was just thinking of you yesterday, expect a call soon, but we know you're busy.
You're in our prayers.
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