I've been tagged. And not one of those, answer weird questions about yourself tags. Nuh-uh. That'd be too easy for the Rooftop Observer. 7 Random Facts. Thankfully, nothing requires them to be interesting.
So here we go:
Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. You need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!
- I have a tendency to name my cars/automobiles after SF space-ships. I've driven a Nissan Pulsar called "Phoenix", a Dodge Viper named, "Pegasus", and am currently driving the Ford Aerostar "Serenity." Somehow my Dodge Caravan escaped being named. My first car, a 'Vette* was called Nero. But that was before the trend started.
- I actually had a poster of Chuck Swindoll hanging in my dorm room (for just one year, maybe 1 semester) in college. It was a promotional thing for Laugh Again, had him on his Harley, wearing a black leather jacket and ugly black shades under the caption, "THE SERMINATOR." (interestingly enough, google can't find that image anywhere...)
- Have never had two jobs in the same industry (aside from temp gigs, have done a lot of data entry for the state). And only one job has remotely come close to having anything to do with either of my majors in college. My tenure for any one employer tends to be 2 years + a few months (can think of 2 exceptions in the last 17 years). If I don't figure out what I want to be when I grow up, I could be in trouble.
- On my High School Diploma, the Roman Numeral I follows my name--1. Thought it was funny and 2. Had planned on being the first in a series. Alas, the Love of my Life vetoed that notion, so the I seems even stranger now.
- My first tattoo is a Luther Rose. Got my next 3 planned--just got to figure out which order to get 'em in.
- There is NOOOOOO fact 6.
(What? Oh, right...that's no rule 6. Oops)
I have probably spent less than 6 or 7 months outside the state of Idaho in my entire life (that number'd be lower if not for 2 winter terms at Greenville Presbyterian)). And honestly, that number's probably not going to change much. I'm totally fine with that. I have a long lost half-brother who looks absolutely nothing like me. See?
The Seven I'm Tagging:
- Dr. White (to prove centurion's point that only Julie could get him to play along)
- Susan a.k.a Lucy (so she'll update her blog)
- Mrs (same reason)
- Micah (just 'cuz)
- Credamus
- Polymathis
- girlfriday
- tired--yeah, that's 8, not 7. But I can't imagine #1 is actually going to do it, so figured I'd try a bonus pick. 'Sides, the world has to see what he's going to come up with.
*(a Chevette...)
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