if you want a little soundtrack for the post, go ahead and get the embed playing below, there's nothing to see there, just to listen.
Anyway, it's time to wrap up this fairly productive year--'tho I just noticed it was nowhere near as productive as I thought when compared to years past. Oh well. I've had fun, I hope you have. I have some plans for next year, and who knows? I just might live up to them :) If I do, I'll let you know what they are (never works out when I announce in advance, that just seems to be the kiss of death). Naturally, any suggestions are welcome.
In particular, I want to thank tusconmom, Micah, TLomL, Steve and the other people kind enough to comment--even those who left their comments for facebook/email/IM. Major thanks need to go to Chris Oates who's done more to promote this thing than I've ever done.
I hope you all had a good year, with a better one to come. God bless.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Obligatory End of '09 Post
Posted by Hobster at 13:33 1 comments
Labels: calendar items, miscellany, personal
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sometimes the Smurf Turf Isn't So Ugly (just sometimes)
Have to feel sorry for the poor folk over at KTVB today who had to interrupt their coverage of the Fiesta Bowl with items such as horrible road conditions, traffic fatalities and the like--but to add insult to injury, on top of that they had to acknowledge that there are other college football programs in the state besides BSU? Oh, your heart just breaks for them.
Yeah, no, it totally doesn't. Especially when the other football team they had to acknowledge was the winners of the 2009 Roady's Humanitarian Bowl: Theeeeee Idaho Vandals!
I've said everything I really have to say about this season already...today was just terrific. Best football I've watched since '98. Loved it, loved it, loved it.
Posted by Hobster at 23:46 0 comments
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Just Needs a Vangelis Soundtrack...
my new favorite non-Yankee athlete is a rugby player named Euan Murray who's causing a bit of a stir in Scotland...
According to The Daily Record:
SCOTS rugby international Euan Murray has spoken for the first time about why his faith led him to quit playing on Sundays.
The 29-year-old has told how he even snubs coffee or dinner invitations on the Sabbath as he does not want to "encourage other people to work".
Euan said: "It's basically all or nothing, following Jesus. I don't believe in pick 'n' mix Christianity. I believe the bible is the word of God, so who am I to ignore something from it?
"I might as well tear out that page then keep tearing out pages as and when it suits me. If I started out like that there would soon be nothing left."
(Be sure to read the rest)
"Don't believe in pick'n'mix Christianity..." gotta love it :)
Posted by Hobster at 21:26 0 comments
Labels: in the news, Lord's Day, Sabbath
Saturday, December 26, 2009
A Road Not Taken
So my parents gave us a book today called 501 Must-See Movies, a coffee-table book with nice color photo stills from the various movies and a few paragraphs explaining each film's inclusion on this list. Some of the films they included surprised me, some not included did, too--but on the whole, the list makes sense.
I've seen 136 of them, so I've apparently been wasting a lot of my movie-viewing life. I toyed briefly with the idea of turning this list into a project for 2010--viewing and blogging my way through the entire list (alphabetically or by category) in a year like say, Julie Powell's project.
And then I did the math. 9.6 of these a week--which would involve a lot of time and an upgrade to my Netflix account. Well, maybe a 2 year project...still not that appetizing a number. Especially when you take into account the fact that roughly 70 of these flicks aren't on my "have seen" list because I have no desire to see them based on subject/director/stars/something else.
Feel free to breathe a collective sigh of relief that you don't have to read my musings on 8 1/2, Halloween, Hua yang nian hua, 28 Days Later and 497 others over the course of the next few months.
Posted by Hobster at 20:56 0 comments
Labels: miscellany, personal
Friday, December 25, 2009
Darlene Love on Letterman '09
As I've mentioned before, since back in his NBC days, it's just not the holiday season for me without this performance on Letterman's show (which, sadly, I can't catch anymore due to work). Thankfully, we have youtube:
Posted by Hobster at 19:28 0 comments
Labels: calendar items, music
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Happy!
I'd hoped to embed a video of Shirley's PC "Silent Night" (from NBC's Community), but alas, I cannot find it, so I'll have to find other ways to annoy my evangelical friends who doubt my salvation because of my attitude towards tomorrow (or whatever).
I do hope that everyone reading this has a good celebration and time with family, whatever justification you use for it.
Oh, speaking of which, you should all read this piece by an atheist, David Harsanyi, "Heathen's Greetings for Christmas"--not the most flattering piece, but well worth the time.
Another link I need to throw out is Stan "The Man" Lee's reading "'Twas the Night Before Christmas". A true classic.
Have a good one, everybody!
Posted by Hobster at 18:35 0 comments
Labels: calendar items, miscellany
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
And I Thought TV Was Fake Before I Watched This...
(h/t: Lee Goldberg)
Posted by Hobster at 18:42 1 comments
Labels: online video, TV
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The Magicians by Lev Grossman
I'm going to try really hard not to over-hype this book, so I have to be brief here. Read this novel.
I haven't blogged about books much lately for some reason--I have about a dozen drafts about various books started, tho. But I'm going to see this one through to the end (yet another reason to keep it short).
This is one of my Top 5 of the year. No question about it. A gripping mixture of "real world" and "fantasy"--without being an "urban fantasy." This is Harry Potter + C. S. Lewis tossed in a blender operated by Michael Chabon or Jonathan Lethem. I think knowing too much about the plot beforehand would hurt the experience, so in brief, it's about a high schooler named Quentin who's accepted into a small private college version of Hogwarts in New York and then follows Quentin and his friends/classmates through school and into adulthood.
The world created here is fully formed, and fully capable of being the setting for a series of novels. The characters are well-drawn, brilliant and tragic--most of whom could carry a novel by themselves. In real life, I don't think I'd want to call any of them friends, but am sure I'd love knowing them. The plot isn't perfect, and there are many, many places in which I wished things had gone differently, but I can't say that Grossman erred in going where he did with his creation (I just would have preferred it--I feel like Fred Savage's character at the end of The Princess Bride complaining about the ending).
Posted by Hobster at 15:25 0 comments
Labels: books
A Virtual Xmas Card from All of Us
my vacationing wife clearly has too much time on her hands...
Posted by Hobster at 15:18 0 comments
Labels: family, miscellany, online video, photo
Monday, December 21, 2009
Everything Wrong with The Phantom Menace
probably 95% of you have seen this 70 min. review of The Phantom Menace (or part of it anyway) floating around the 'Net the last week or so. Still, I feel compelled to post this...spot-on stuff, really. As Mo Ryan described it, it's a work of "cogent, impassioned criticism, snarky humor and creative weirdness." Who could ask for more?
Naturally, after "amen"ing and laughing my way through the first 20 minutes of this last week, what are the clients watching when I arrive at work Friday? Yup. It was all I could do to stop myself from stopping the DVD and insisting everyone huddle around my laptop to watch this.
Part 1 is here, the rest is here.
Posted by Hobster at 14:27 0 comments
Labels: DVD/movie
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Meditation Worthy Thoughts on the Incarnation of Christ
Patrick Ramsey just posted a link to a great lecture by Carl Trueman "The Glory of Christ: B.B. Warfield on Jesus of Nazareth." This brief sample is worth chewing on by itself before going on to read all of Trueman's lecture.
It is, of course, a truism that the language of Chalcedon, of substance and personhood, is absent from the New Testament, and, of course, no advocate of the Chalcedonian definition would ever have claimed its explicit presence in the text. Warfield’s own view of the Chalcedonian definition is that it functions as a presupposition which makes the teaching of the Bible comprehensible as a single, unified whole. To quote him on this point:emphasis mine, and done so for obvious reasons.
Only on the assumption of this [the Chalcedonian] conception of Our Lord's person as underlying and determining their presentation, can unity be given to their representations; while, on this supposition, all their representations fall into their places as elements in one consistent whole. [6]
This is an important point which has a general application well beyond its specific concerns. For a start, it flags up Christ's humanity and divinity as the only means of making coherent sense of the gospel accounts of his life. It is thus not in the first instance an exercise in metaphysical speculation but rather an attempt to think out the necessary presuppositions about his person which make sense of the historical account of his actions and teachings given in the gospels. This is a very important point, particularly at a time when theological diversity is something of a buzzword among biblical scholars. The current trend is, I am sure, intimately connected to the increasing subdisciplinary specialization of higher learning, fuelled in large part by the information revolution; but Warfield is surely correct to point to the presuppositional nature of our theological approach to the Bible. If we go to the Bible without a commitment to the unity of revelation and the coherence of the biblical witness at the level of epistemology, then we will inevitably find ourselves drawing certain conclusions from that, such as the God of the Old Testament is not that of the New or the way of salvation for Paul is not the same as for James. It is perhaps no surprise that the Chalcedonian definition is being called into question by theologians at exactly the same point in time as the fundamental theological unity of the Bible is also being subjected to vigorous assault.
For Warfield, the idea that Christ is one person in two substances is one of the necessary counterparts of his commitment to the unity of scripture's teaching: in other words, it must be true because it allows the church to make sense of the Bible’s teaching about Christ. The formula itself is not inspired in the way that the Bible is inspired; it is not therefore sacrosanct; one can indeed go to heaven without ever having heard of the definition; but it is nonetheless a necessary presupposition, implicit or otherwise, if the message of the Bible concerning Christ is to be properly and thoroughly understood.
Ramsey (who's posted some reflection-worthy words of his own on the Incarnation lately) also provided a link to Warfield's fantastic "The Emotional Life of our Lord," which it's been entirely too long since I've read. Criminal, really. If you haven't read it in the last month or so, I encourage you to get at it :)
Posted by Hobster at 08:19 0 comments
Labels: Incarnation, Jesus Christ, Theologians, theology
Friday, December 18, 2009
That Explains That
According to a New York Times/CBS News poll, 26 percent of unemployed adults blame George W. Bush for the high unemployment rate. The other 74 percent blame the fact that they majored in English Literature.- Jimmy Fallon
Posted by Hobster at 12:34 0 comments
Labels: humor
Trailers, Trailers, Trailers
Quite the harvest of new trailers hit teh IntraWeb this week. Entries from all over the spectrum. There's:
- the ugh, really? (Shrek Forever After)
- the hmmm, has potential (Alice in Wonderland)
- the wow, they've improved on the last trailer a lot! (Hot Tub Time Machine)
- the still not sure I want to see this, but I'm more interested now (The Clash of the Titans)
- the ohmanohmanohmanohmanohmanohmanohman (Iron Man 2)
and then this one, quite possibly the cutest trailer in history:
Posted by Hobster at 03:32 0 comments
Labels: DVD/movie
Thursday, December 17, 2009
If only all lessons in ethics were as catchy
from this week's Lie To Me:
Posted by Hobster at 15:13 2 comments
Labels: ethics, music, online video, TV
“Impatience does not diminish but augments the evil.”
Victoria Jackson quoted that Latin proverb at the beginning of her latest blog post, "What's the Rush?".
Victoria (Ms. Jackson if you're nasty) points out the fairly obvious trait of this Congress, this presidential administration: they seem to be in an awful hurry to do things. Ignoring their grandmother's advice, "Haste makes Waste" (assuming their grandmothers are like every other grandmother I know).
I cannot fully agree with everything that Ms. Jackson says, I think her underlying point is sound. One instance she cites:
What’s the Rush?
Okay, we all know that our country has the best medical system in the world, and that the majority of Americans are very happy with their health care. But, what if it was true that we needed to reform this system a little, this system that is already the best in the world? Yes, I said it twice.
…wouldn’t the intelligent thing be to slowly and carefully dissect exactly what the problems are, and then have experts in that field give presentations to back up their carefully thought out solutions? For example, the problem that doctors are being sued so much that they are forced to spend incredible amounts of money on lawsuit protection, thus raising the costs to their patients? Talk. Think. Discuss. Think?
She's really on to something -- especially as I remember reading one of Ron Paul's Facebook Statuses (Statusi?) Tuesday, "This is really outrageous - House leadership just announced that we will be voting on a $75 billion "Jobs" bill tomorrow - and we just got the legislation today."
Deadlines seem to be a big deal on the Health Care "Reform" discussion--remember when something had to be done this summer? And then when that didn't happen, it has to before this year is out? Is every hospital, clinic, doctor's office going to close for good come Jan. 1, 2010? I tell my 10 year old son this all the time--it's more important to get the job done right than it is to get it done. When he remembers that, our dining table and kitchen counters get clean. When he's focused on getting done, crumbs, spilled liquids and trash get left on the supposedly clean surfaces.
Just what's being left on the table after the rush to discuss Man-Made Climate Change laws/treaties; health care bills, etc.? This is the first time in my life that a rush to judgment is being portrayed in a positive light, and I just don't see why.
Posted by Hobster at 13:40 0 comments
Labels: in the news, politics
Sometimes Congress Makes it Too Hard to Complain
I've wondered how much weight I could lose if I hid my remote control and forced myself to get up and manually change channels, adjust volume, etc.--particularly the volume: stand up, walk to the TV, turn the volume on commercials to a comfortable level, return to the couch, wait 3 minutes, stand up, walk to the TV, turn the volume up to a level you can understand what people are saying, return to the couch. Repeat as needed.
Wondered about it. Won't do it. But, man...my thumb strength is up (you don't want to thumb wrestle me).
Sure, there are other ways to deal with the louder-than-everything-else commercial volume, my dad's approach, for example, is to adjust for the commercial volume and then strain to hear 80% (at best) of the dialogue on whatever show you're watching. Reason #1 I don't watch anything I care about in his house.
But now, the government is stepping in to help--a frightening concept, indeed. Frankly, I think Congress has as much business messing around with this as they do College Football (read: None.At.All.), but man...it's hard not to be happy to read on USAToday's site:
The House passed has passed a bill that would bar TV commercials from being louder than the programs in which they appear.(the whole article is here)
The Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act (CALM) passed Tuesday on a voice vote, presumably expressed at a comfortable level.
It now goes to the Senate, which is considering an identical bill...
Posted by Hobster at 04:29 1 comments
Labels: in the news, politics, TV
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Christmas Concert
So the Offspring had their Academy's Christmas Concert last night. And, with the exception of a program Frodo was in for the Day Care he spent 1 day/week in for a year, this was the first such time for their parents to witness something like this. Ohh, the fun we've been missing out on (that's only 50% sarcastic). There was a general lack of organization, but as it was the first such thing their Academy had ever done, it made sense--hopefully they learned a lot.
I learned a few things, too:
- My camera's zoom is nowhere near sufficient.
- There's simply nothing like listening to 60(+/-) largely untrained 4th graders singing the Hallelujah Chorus.
- No matter how strict the uniform policy, there's just no getting around individual personality. It's going to shine through in appearance and/or behavior.
- Arnold is as short as we feared (first time he's ever been in a good sized group of same aged kids)
- Even if your kids aren't the world's best singers, most enthusiastic performers, or all that coordinated -- they are still a great source of pride, and their classes are at least 3x as entertaining to watch as classes they aren't in. (I'd have guessed that before, but I know it now)
Here are the obligatory pics: (click on the thumbnail to see a larger pic, which are equipped with arrows to indicate ours)
Posted by Hobster at 13:52 0 comments
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Feliĉan naskotagon L. L. Zamenhof
Do hodiaŭ estas la naskotago de la viro kiuj(n) inventis Esperanton. En lia honoro, Mi irus legitan iuj Harry Harrison ia, ŝajne -- lia Rustimuna ŝtalo Rato libroj estas la solaj loko Mi sci* kie ... uzis grave.
Kiu estas ia honto, vere, Mi havis amuzon lern ĝi jam en Mezlernejo -- nur dezir Mi memorita ĝin.
Posted by Hobster at 05:26 2 comments
Labels: calendar items, miscellany
Not Done With Your Shopping?
Polymathis has a handy-dandy shopping guide to Cafe Press for those of you still looking for a gift for that special Calvinist in your life (tho' you should take a look at the offerings from Sola Fide, too)
Posted by Hobster at 03:56 0 comments
Labels: miscellany
Monday, December 14, 2009
Another Beloved Memory Gone...
This isn't a major thing, I grant you, but since when do I focus on major things here?
This weekend, I opened a new pack of Big Red and was shocked by what I saw, rather, what I didn't see.
There was no foil protecting the little pieces of cinnamony goodness from contact with the air, each other, the silly cardboard packaging. Instead, there was this flimsy white paper, barely stiffer than tissue paper. Sacrilege!
All my life this little bit of foil has been a constant. It made Wrigley's best product stand out from the rest. It looked snazzy. It created that really strange sensation when you chewed it using teeth with fillings.
I'll pause a moment for you to cringe.
And now it's gone. Why? I've looked all over, can't find an explanation. I'm sure it has something to do with costs, or the environment, or medication helping too many paranoiacs dropping the need for sources of foil for their hats.
Posted by Hobster at 15:09 2 comments
Labels: miscellany
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Thought for the Lord's Day - #52
Every grace that brings a Christian to heaven must be a tried grace. He must try his patience, his contentment, his humility. How shall all these graces be tried but in a variety of estates and conditions?
And secondly, How should we have experience of the goodness of God but in variety of estates? When we find the stable, certain, constant love of God in variety of conditions, that howsoever our conditions ebb and flow, be up and down, like the spring weather, sometimes fair and sometimes foul, yet not withstanding the love of God is constant always, and we have never so sure experience of it as in the variety of conditions that befall us; then we know that in God there is 'no shadow of changing,' howsoever the changes of our life be. Is it not a point worth our learning, to know the truth of our grace, and to know the constancy of God's love, with whom we are in a gracious covenant?
And then again, we learn much wisdom how to manage our life hereby, even in the intercourse of our changes, to be now rich, now poor, now high, now low in estates. He that is carried on in one condition, he hath no wisdom to judge another's estate, or to carry himself to a Christian in another condition, because he was never abased himself. He look very big at him. He knows not how to tender another, that hath not been in another's condition. And therefore to furnish us, that we may carry ourselves as Christians, meekly lovingly, and tenderly to others, God will have us go to heaven in variety, not in one uniform condition in regard of outward things.
- Richard Sibbes
Posted by Hobster at 21:53 1 comments
Labels: Lord's Day, quotations, Sabbath, theology, Thought for the Lord's Day
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Just Who Approves the Ads at CBS Nowadays?
Sure, I have/will defend the "Frosty the Inappropriate Snowman" ad. But this? I can't think of anything to say, honestly.
Ken Levine titled his embed of this as, "A jaw dropping CBS ad. Not a joke. They really aired this"...pretty well sums it up.
Watch CBS Videos Online
Posted by Hobster at 09:04 3 comments
Labels: online video, TV
Friday, December 11, 2009
Top 5 Holiday Movies
Something got me thinking the other day about my favorite Christmas/Holiday movies and I figured just for fun, I'd list my Top 5 and ask you, my faithful readers, to speak up and name your own/debate mine. Hit a little roadblock, but still, worth a shot...
1. A Christmas Story, it's just the best, hands down, by far, the best. Funny, heartwarming, there's no way you can't relate to Ralphie/his brother/his parents/friends -- no matter how far we are from the time it's set in.
2. White Christmas, this is my mom's fault, she insists on watching this every year, it's just not Christmastime without this little gem. And hey, at the end of the day, Danny Kaye's funny.
3. Die Hard, "Now I have a machine gun. Ho ho ho." 'Nuff said.
oh, yeah, and Al's a better movie fat guy than anyone who's donned the Claus uniform
1. Elf, one of three Ferrell movies I can stand/enjoy. Honestly only watched this to kill time one Christmas Eve with TLomL. But Ferrell, Caan, Newhart sold me and had me rolling on the floor. Now that I know who Zooey Deschanel is, I should probably rewatch it just.
5. Uhhhh, this is pathetic, I can't come up with a fifth. The Scrooge flicks are okay at best, It's a Wonderful Life isn't that wonderful...can't think of any others, honestly.
Posted by Hobster at 15:30 3 comments
Labels: calendar items, DVD/movie
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Capitalism Works
Over at the Denver Post, David Harsanyi relates an important Lesson in Capitalism from an USAToday investigation.
In the past three years, the government has provided the nation’s schools with millions of pounds of beef and chicken that wouldn’t meet the quality or safety standards of many fast-food restaurants, from Jack in the Box and other burger places to chicken chains such as KFC, a USA TODAY investigation found.Go read the rest
(just curious, am I the only one who remembers when USAToday was a joke?)
Posted by Hobster at 00:51 1 comments
Labels: in the news
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Thinking of Starting a New Series of Posts
"What I Almost Choked to Death on While Watching The Big Bang Theory
Or, I guess I could just stop eating and drinking while watching the show...kind of like you have to with Bones nowadays...did anyone else catch "The Gamer in the Grease" last week? When they carefully pull the corpse out of all that cooking grease and the flesh literally falls off--followed by the entrails? If I watched that a couple more times, I'd probably lose 10 pounds this week.
- "The Vengeance Formulation" (11/23/09): Reese's Pieces
- "The Athens Recurrence" (12/7/09): Coffee
Posted by Hobster at 01:08 0 comments
Labels: too much time on my hands, TV
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
I've Shed Most of my Computer Nerdhood, but...
Here I was, about to go catch my evening nap, when I remembered that Thunderbird 3 was officially released today and I haven't downloaded it yet. Color me strange, but my email client is one of the pieces of software I care most about. I dropped good ol' Eudora (big mistake) when I became addicted to Outlook at work, but that torrid affair burned out quickly, and I spent years trying to find something worth my affection--by that time Eurdora had evolved into something I really didn't care for, sadly.
Anyhow, I'm babbling -- I hopped on the Thunderbird bandwagon years ago, and, while it's not perfect, I really like the little guy. Incidentally, Lifehacker's article about the release has a mini-review for those interested. The features and add-ons for this new version make me think I'm going to have far too much fun over the next few days just setting this up.
Anyone else care? Or are you all web-based emailers now?
Posted by Hobster at 18:57 2 comments
Labels: miscellany, technology
Monday, December 07, 2009
Talk About Missing the Point
Good Night Nurse. Really? Are you kidding me?
So last week, I and several fans of the show How I Met Your Mother (and other people, too) hooted and hollered, ROTFLOLed, tweeted, retweeted, shared, embedded, digged and had all other sorts of social media responses to CBS' "Frosty the Inappropriate Snowman" advertisement. I thought about posting it, but not really the style of this place...I think.
Anyway, I just read a story over on FOXNews.com about the commercial is "is offensive and should be pulled" according to many critics. The story claims:
Colleen Raezler, a research assistant for the Culture and Media Institute, a division of the Media Research Center, said the spot is "highly inappropriate," and improperly uses a Christmas special to promote an adult-oriented comedy.Wow, the ad does that? Children are clearly not the target demographic for this advertisement. Did this person watch the whole thing?
"The ad introduces children to the idea of strippers and pornography," Raezler told FoxNews.com. "The people in charge obviously thought this was funny, but the question they should ask themselves is if this is appropriate, not if it's funny."
Raezler said the advertisement is another example of popular culture "pushing the envelope" on everything.Again, watch.the.whole.thing.
"It's sexing up Frosty," she said. "It really drives home the idea that nothing is sacred anymore."
...says Bob Peters, president of Morality in Media, adding that officials at the Federal Trade Commission should be concerned about the promotion.The whole point of the ad is that it's crass, tasteless, offensive, etc to do this to a holiday classic. Which is why "Some Holiday Classics are Better Left Untouched." Where did I get that line? The end of the ad in question. Instead, you should watch the classics the way they're meant to be seen, in their original form on CBS Friday.
"CBS is doing much the same thing that alcohol and tobacco companies have done in the past -- namely, using imagery in advertising that would naturally attract children in order to market an adult product," Peters said in a statement to FoxNews.com. "Legal matters aside, it should go without saying that CBS TV ought to be ashamed of itself -- using an animated Christmas season setting, complete with young children, to chat about strippers, whores, pornography, sadomasochism, sexual promiscuity, and more."
Tim Winter, president of the Parents Television Council, a watchdog group based in Los Angeles, said the advertisement was reprehensible.
"It's either ignorance or arrogance, but I can't imagine the folks at the once-Tiffany network should think this is OK," he told FoxNews.com. "Someone had to write it and someone had to approve it. It speaks to the decisions that are being made at CBS these days."
Winter also called for the advertisement to be pulled, characterizing it as the outcome of the network attempting to do "everything they can to be offensive rather than creative."
Really people, your shoes are on wayyyy too tight. Adjust your laces, watch the whole thing, and think a moment to see if the frenzy you're trying to lather up is either on target or worth it. You missed it this time.
Posted by Hobster at 15:47 2 comments
Labels: can't take a joke, in the news, TV
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Thought for the Lord's Day - #52
Our happiness consists in due subordination and conformity to Christ, and therefore let us labor to carry ourselves as He did to His Father, to His friends, to His enemies. In the days of His flesh He prayed whole nights to His Father. How holy and heavenly-minded was He, that took occasion from vines, stones and sheep to be heavenly-minded, and when He rose from the dead His talk was only of things concerning the kingdom of God, in His converse to His friends. He would not quench the smoking flax, nor break the bruised reed; He did not cast Peter in the teeth with his denial, He was of a winning and gaining disposition to all; for His conduct to His enemies, He did not call for fire from heaven to destroy them but shed many tears for them that shed His blood. "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!" (Matt. 23:37), and upon the cross, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34). So that if we will be minded like unto Christ, consider how He carried Himself to His Father, to His friends, to His enemies, yea to the devil himself. When He comes to us in wife, children; friends, etc. we must do as Christ did, say to Satan, "Get thee hence," and when we deal with those that have the spirit of the devil in them, we must not render reproach, but answer them, "It is written."
Posted by Hobster at 09:33 0 comments
Labels: Lord's Day, Puritanica, quotations, Sabbath, theology
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Carly Fiorina on Health Care Reform
GOP Senate Candidate Carly Fiorina delivered the weekly GOP talking point snoozefestradio address this week -- without mention of parties, election campaigns, or any individual politician, that alone should warrant a lot of attention. Maybe even a Congressional Medal of Honor or something.
Anyway, this particular breast cancer survivor looks at the effect that the recent recommendations from that task force on changing when women should get mammograms would have under proposed Heath Care Reform bills. And the picture she paints ain't pretty.
Multiply that out over the effect such committees could have over all sorts of medical tests/procedures, and you begin to get an idea of what a devastating impact this reform could have on lives (ignoring quality of care, economics, taxes, etc.).
Here's what she said:
Hello. This is Carly Fiorina. And today I’d like to speak to you as one of the more than two and a half million women in America who have been diagnosed with breast cancer — and beaten it.
Like everyone else who’s diagnosed with cancer, I never thought it would happen to me. I was fit, healthy, and active. I even got regular check-ups. But earlier this year, just two weeks after a clear mammogram, I discovered a lump through a self-exam.
Soon after that came the diagnosis, the surgery, the long and difficult treatment regimen, and the painful experience of wondering whether I would make it, whether I’d pull through.
I’m fortunate to live near one of the greatest cancer centers in the world. I’m fortunate to have the incredible love and support of family and friends. And my diagnosis gave me time to think about my future — because one of the things that happens when you have to face your fears, including the fear of dying, is that you can face your future with renewed hope and enthusiasm.
My doctors tell me I have won my battle with cancer. And, I realize that this makes me one of the lucky ones. Last year alone, more than 40,000 Americans died from breast cancer. Aside from lung cancer, breast cancer is the most fatal form of cancer for American women. Nearly 200,000 new cases were reported last year alone.
That’s why a recent recommendation on mammograms by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, a government-run panel of health care professionals that makes recommendations on prevention, struck such a nerve. The task force did not include an oncologist or a radiologist, in other words cancer experts did not develop this recommendation. They said that most women under 50 don’t need regular mammograms and that women over 50 should only get them every other year. And yet we all know that the chances of surviving cancer are greater the earlier it’s detected. If I’d followed this new recommendation and waited another two years, I’m not sure I’d be alive today.
What’s more this task force was explicitly asked to focus on costs, not just prevention. As it turned out, costs were a significant factor in this recommendation. Will a bureaucrat determine that my life isn’t worth saving?
All this takes on even greater urgency in the midst of the ongoing health care debate in Washington. We wonder if we are heading down a path where the federal government will at first suggest and then mandate new standards for prevention and treatment. Do we really want government bureaucrats rather than doctors dictating how we prevent and treat something like breast cancer?
The response we’ve gotten to these questions has been less than encouraging. In the face of a national outcry over the recent task force recommendations, the Secretary of Health and Human Services said the Preventive Services Task Force doesn’t set federal policy. The real question, though, is whether bodies like this would set policy under the $2.5 trillion, 2,074-page plan that’s now making its way through Congress?
Unfortunately, the answer to that question isn’t encouraging either. The health care bill now being debated in the Senate explicitly empowers this very task force to influence future coverage and preventive care. Section 4105, for example, authorizes the Secretary of Health and Human Services to deny payment for prevention services the task force recommends against. Another section requires every health plan in America to cover task force recommended preventive services. In fact, there are more than a dozen examples in the bill where this task force is empowered to influence care.
There is a reason American women with breast cancer have a higher survival rate than women in countries with government-run health care. Unlike those countries, our government doesn’t dictate what prevention and treatments women can get.
While some defend the idea of a government task force, my experience with cancer tells me it’s wrong. Cutting down on mammograms might save the government some money that it will then spend on something else. But it won’t save lives. And isn’t that what health care reform was supposed to be all about?
This is just one in many examples of serious problems with this healthcare reform legislation. Rather than remaking the entire national healthcare system at the cost of higher taxes and exploding deficits, we should build on what works, such as expanding access to integrated care and to community clinics that will give those most in need appropriate care at a reasonable price.
Congress should reform medical malpractice to match what we have in California where frivolous lawsuits are a thing of the past. We should permit consumers to purchase health insurance from any company in the country, expanding consumer choice and driving down cost and unnecessary mandates.
People want to know that their care will stay where it belongs: in the hands of doctors and patients. Unfortunately, the path Congress is on in this debate is not giving us the confidence that it will.
Thank you.
Posted by Hobster at 20:06 0 comments
Labels: in the news, medical stuff, online video, politics
Friday, December 04, 2009
A Nice Niche, but Probably Not a Career Path of Choice
I started catching up on season 3 of The Guild this week, and was pleasantly surprised to see everyone's favorite Starfleet alumn, Wil Wheaton.
I keep running into Wheaton over the last few months, and think I've spotted a trend. Wheaton, who spent years being the target of the spite of geeks everywhere because he was cast as Wesley Crusher (and honestly, most of the blame for the Crusher stuff belongs to the writers/producers, if you ask me). Now, Wheaton's basically embraced that spite, and turned it into affection via his blog, books, appearances, etc. And how he's taken it a step further, and he's turned it into a niche career, I've run into him as:
- hacker Colin Mason, foil of beloved hacker Alec Hardison on Leverage
- MMORPG player, foil of the much beloved Codex on The Guild
- former child actor/gamer/douchebag Wil Wheaton, foil of beloved uber-nerd Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory
He's gone beyond being the unjust target of spite, to being the geek we're all supposed to hate. Nice way to turn lemons into imdb credits.
I just remembered him playing a real prick of a comic collector on Numb3rs a couple of years ago, too, now that I think of it...so this isn't a totally new thing, just something he's doing more often, and with a certain focus.
Posted by Hobster at 23:39 0 comments
Labels: doing what I can to keep my streak alive, mindless babble in the middle of the night, TV
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Don't Shoot this Messenger
Friends, Romans, Countrymen…So said Joe Pug at the beginning of a pretty strange music promo campaign. All you had to do was give him a number of CD's and he'd send you that many sampler CDs to give to your friends (I gave away 6). Then I went and bought the rest of his EP Nation of Heat and played it endlessly.
If you're insulted by the songs they loop on the radio all day. If you're
tired of your parents repeating the phrase "music meant something in my day" with baseless contempt. Here's a chance to do something about it…
Then a few months ago, Pug gives away more music -- 5 tracks from the Nation of Heat sessions. In addition, he will tweet/post to facebook all sorts of free downloads from concerts, radio shows, etc. Following Pug's career is a veritable cornucopia of free, high quality, thoughtful, folk-rock.
But now he's doing a couple of different things as he releases his first full length album: 1. he's playing with a full and "plugged" band and 2. he's apparently going to charge for the whole thing. I'm not complaining or anything, it's just an adjustment. The widget below has a couple of samples from the upcoming album, check 'em out--and then go grab some of the free music above--you'll be glad you did.
Posted by Hobster at 23:33 0 comments
Labels: music
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Some Things to Ponder
Another one of those days where as much as I might sit and stare at the blank white space here, nothing fills it.
- Fantasy author Jim C. Hines has a spot-on piece, "Lincoln U’s Big Fat Fail"
In 2006, Lincoln University in Pennsylvania instituted a policy that students with a BMI of 30 or higher must take a "Fitness for Life" class. The students affected by this rule are now seniors, some of whom may not be able to graduate, either because they haven’t gotten their BMI tested by the university or because they have a BMI of 30 or higher and haven’t taken the class.
As a follow-up, he posted a link to Kate Harding’s slideshow of various BMI ranges - TV Writer Ken Levine tells some of the behind-the-scenes tales from A Charlie Brown Christmas that make our possession of this treat seem even more special.
A holiday tradition is A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS and we pretty much have a Mad Man to thank for it. John Allen was a Don Draper at McCann-Erickson in the mid 60s. On behalf of Coca-Cola he was lobbying for Charlie Brown. It would be the first animated adaptation of Charles M. Schultz’s classic PEANUTS comic strip. But Allen had to really twist arms because in typical fashion, CBS hated it.
They thought the animation was awful, the story too thin and depressing, the jazz score inappropriate for kids, and of course wanted a laugh-track. - Over at the Campaign for Liberty, Sheldon Richman discusses the similarities between Inconsistent Conservatives and ProgressivesListening to the leading voices of conservatism and progressivism, one gets the feeling they are not quite listening to themselves. On any given day you are likely to hear each side make arguments against the other that fully apply to itself in some area of public policy.
- Last, but not least, Jon Stewart on Climate-gate/problems the Left is having under our new prez
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c Scientists Hide Global Warming Data www.thedailyshow.com Daily Show
Full EpisodesPolitical Humor Health Care Crisis
Posted by Hobster at 15:53 0 comments
Labels: education, in the news, medical stuff, miscellany, politics, TV
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
NaNoWriMo Wrap Up
First thing I need to say is, for the second year in a row, Frodo did it!

He did more than yeoman's work, he...okay, I actually don't have words to describe what he did. Because of school work, and just being wiped out when he got home from school, getting behind (and discouraged from that) and whatnot, he found himself behind the 8-ball last week. We're talking a giant 8-ball covered in poison-tipped spikes and packed with explosives. And what does he do? He buckles down. I don't know how much of it was a burning desire to write, how much of it was competitive spirit, or just his near-compulsive need not to leave something unfinished, but he knocks out 3 straight days of 2K+ words -- 3K and change the last day (even staying up late, I hope his teacher's don't hate me for that). A lot of what he produced in those marathon sessions were more creative than I'd thought him capable of, too.
Overall, our tribe didn't do as well this year as we did last. Much of which can be attributed to our change in schooling methods. Last year we could spend as much time as we needed to on our writing. This year...not so much. That's the number one reason everyone had a harder time. It still would've been possible as far as time goes for everyone to finish, but it was a lot harder.
Like I said at the beginning of the month, though, their content was of a much higher quality than it was last year. Samwise just couldn't stay focused on his work, and flamed out at the end of a week. But I'm very proud of what he tried to do.
And the Princess? We're talking light years between where she was last year and where she was this year. With some better preparation next October, she could produce something really good. If she's up for it -- she was pretty discouraged by the end.
What about me? Last year the question was, can I do this? This year it was, can I do it again? The two mind-sets are very different. Also, the story I wrote last year was something I'd thought about for about two years (hadn't worked out more than 2 chapters, though). I came up with this year's idea on Oct. 28th after toying with two others for a month or so. Biggest difference in the two final products is that this year's book has an ending (missing a bridge from the middle of the work to the end -- like the Yankees for most of this year, my 7th and 8th innings are a big question mark). Last year, I had a target in mind, but didn't make it there -- and a few days later when I went back to finish, I'd completely forgotten where I was headed. It feels much more like I accomplished something when I could say "The End."
What I produced wasn't something I want to show anybody, but there's a lot of good raw material there to be refined and perfected. I know in my heart that no publisher is going to want to touch the final product, that said, I'll be a better writer if I see it through to the end. I'm itching to get to it, but am taking advice of smarter, and more experienced people and taking a few days off to clear my mind. But starting at the end of this week/beginning of next it's research for historical accuracy, revising, editing, rewriting and polishing. I'll keep you updated on things as that progresses.
For now, I've blathered on long enough. I have a lot of semi-neglected housework, very neglected books, and a dusty exercise bike to get to.
Monday, November 30, 2009

Wish I had some champagne so I could celebrate...would probably help if I liked the stuff, too. Hmmm, an Amp Energy Drink is the best I can do. Open Office counts 51,002 words, the official NaNoWriMo count is 50102. Depending how things go over the next few hours, I might pad that win a little bit, but we'll see.
Frodo's still plugging away, his progress over the last couple of days has been nothing short of phenomenal, whether he makes it or not, I'm very proud of what he's done.
I'll have a little more to say later on about this years experience, but for now, I just wanted to shout my triumphant (and not that barbaric) yawp across the monitors of the world.
Posted by Hobster at 14:00 0 comments
How Long 'Til November's Over?
Only THAT long?
Posted by Hobster at 05:33 0 comments
Labels: music, NaNoWriMo, online video, writing
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thought for the Lord's Day - #51
But we must carefully note that Christian freedom is, in all its parts, a spiritual thing. Its whole force consists in quieting frightened consciences before God—that are perhaps disturbed and troubled over forgiveness of sins, or anxious whether unfinished works, corrupted by the faults of our flesh, are pleasing to God, or tormented about the use of things indifferent. Accordingly, it is perversely interpreted both by those who allege it as an excuse for their desires that they may abuse God’s good gifts to their own lust and by those who think that freedom does not exist unless it is used before men, and consequently, in using it have no regard for weaker brethren.
Today men sin to a greater degree in the first way. There is almost no one whose resources permit him to be extravagant who does not delight in lavish and ostentatious banquets, bodily apparel, and domestic architecture; who does not wish to outstrip his neighbors in all sorts of elegance; who does not wonderfully flatter himself in his opulence. And all these things are defended under the pretext of Christian freedom. They say that these are things indifferent. I admit it, provided they are used indifferently. But when they are coveted too greedily, when they are proudly boasted of, when they are lavishly squandered, things that were of themselves otherwise lawful are certainly defiled by these vices.
Paul’s statement best distinguishes among things indifferent: “to the clean all things are clean, but to the corrupt and unbelieving nothing is clean, inasmuch as their minds and consciences are corrupted”. For why are the rich cursed, who have their consolation, who are full, who laugh now, who sleep on ivory couches, “who join field to field”, whose feasts have harp, lyre, timbrel, and wine? Surely ivory and gold and riches are good creations of God, permitted, indeed appointed, for men’s use by God’s providence. And we have never been forbidden to laugh, or to be filled, or to join new possessions to old or ancestral ones, or to delight in musical harmony, or to drink wine. True indeed. But where there is plenty, to wallow in delights, to gorge oneself, to intoxicate mind and heart with present pleasures and be always panting after new ones—such are very far removed from a lawful use of God’s gifts.
Away, then, with uncontrolled desire, away with immoderate prodigality, away with vanity and arrogance—in order that men may with a clean conscience cleanly use God’s gifts. Where the heart is tempered to this soberness they will have a rule for lawful use of such blessings. But should this moderation be lacking, even base and common pleasures are too much. It is a true saying that under coarse and rude attire there often dwells a heart of purple, while sometimes under silk and purple is hid a simple humility. Thus let every man live in his station, whether slenderly, or moderately, or plentifully, so that all may remember God nourishes them to live, not to luxuriate. And let them regard this as the law of Christian freedom; to have learned with Paul, in whatever state they are, to be content; to know how to be humble and exalted; to have been taught, in any and all circumstances, to be filled and to hunger, to abound and to suffer want.
- John Calvin
Posted by Hobster at 20:19 0 comments
Labels: Calvinism, Lord's Day, quotations, Sabbath, Theologians, theology, Thought for the Lord's Day
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Our Christmas Decorations
Like many people, with Thanksgiving now behind us, we've shifted our attention to Christmas. We decorated our living room tonight. What do you think?

Posted by Hobster at 20:33 2 comments
Labels: calendar items, family, photo
Quote of the Day
There's nothing really behind this, I saw it on a web toon's blogpost yesterday, and I remembered really, really liking it when John Spencer said it. Figured if I posted it here, I'd remember it a bit more easily.
This guy's walkin' down a street when he falls in a hole. The walls are so steep he can't get out. A doctor passes by and the guy shouts up, "Hey you! Can you help me out?" The doctor writes a prescription, throws it down in the hole, and moves on. Then a priest comes along and the guy shouts up, "Father, I'm down in this hole; can you help me out?" The priest writes out a prayer, throws it down in the hole and moves on. Then a friend walks by. "Hey, Joe, it's me. Can ya help me out?" And the friend jumps in the hole. Our guy says, "Are ya stupid? Now we're both down here." The friend says, "Yeah, but I've been down here before and I know the way out.
- Leo McGarry
from The West Wing
Posted by Hobster at 12:47 1 comments
Labels: quotations, TV
Friday, November 27, 2009
Expecting a Swell Time
Tonight I'm taking my first non-medically related night off in over a year, so I can take TLoML to The Swell Season in concert at the Egyptian Theater. I haven't been to the Egyptian in ages -- it used to be our default movie theater in the dark ages (or slightly more recently). I've never seen a live performance there, so even the venue should prove interesting.
In honor of that, a couple of Swell Season videos to whet my appetite:
(song starts about 3:55 in)
Posted by Hobster at 12:54 0 comments
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Will Thanksgiving 2010 be in September?
If our president, who was so often and favorably compared to FDR earlier this year, continues to try to tinker with the economy, it wouldn't surprise me (but I'm mostly engaging in hyperbole here).
What got me thinking was this very interesting (and brief) history of the holiday -- both in its inception and eventual federalization -- that The Front Porch Republic recently ran by Bill Kauffman.
George Washington issued the first National Thanksgiving Proclamation on November 26, 1789, but the early presidents, disproportionately Virginian and of a states' rights disposition, regarded such proclamations as excessively Yankee and Federalist. Even John Quincy Adams...was reluctant to be seen as "introducing New England manners" by a public acknowledgement of Thanksgiving.Lincoln's successor's fiddled with the date a little, but in the end, for 70 years, the last Thursday of November was the holiday (which many states didn't recognize, or recognized when they wanted to).
...The indefatigable [antebellum New England novelist and editor Sarah Josepha] Hale propagandized ceaselessly for the glory of late November Thursdays, pumpkin pie, roasted turkey, "savory stuffing"—everything but the Detroit Lions. It took 35 years and a civil war, but Mrs. Hale's efforts paid off when President Lincoln declared the last Thursday in November a national day of Thanksgiving and a legal holiday.
It seems that in 1939 Thanksgiving was to fall on November 30th, a matter of consternation to the big merchants of the National Retail Dry Goods Association (NRDGA). The presidents of Gimbel Brothers, Lord & Taylor, and other unsentimental vendors petitioned President Roosevelt to move Thanksgiving to the previous Thursday, November 23, thus creating an additional week of Christmas shopping—and to the astonishment of those Americans without dollar signs in their eyes, the President did so. (Not all merchants favored the shift. One Kokomo shopkeeper hung a sign in his window reading, "Do your shopping now. Who knows, tomorrow may be Christmas.")Ack, I've quoted, too much, go read the rest of Kauffman's piece, which I'd just reproduce totally here, but I hate when blogs do that...so go, read, and head over the river and through the woods and find yourself some turkey.
Opinion polls revealed that more than 60 percent of Americans opposed the Rooseveltian ukase; dissent was especially vigorous in New England. The selectmen of Plymouth, Massachusetts informed the President, "It is a religious holiday and [you] have no right to change it for commercial reasons." Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks to the Almighty, harrumphed Governor Leverett Saltonstall of Massachusetts, "and not for the inauguration of Christmas shopping."
Although the states customarily followed the federal government’s lead on Thanksgiving, they retained the right to set their own date for the holiday, so 48 battles erupted. As usual, New Deal foes had all the wit, if not the votes. A New Hampshire senator urged the President to abolish winter; the Oregon attorney general versified:
Thirty days hath September,
April, June, and November;
All the rest have thirty-one.
Until we hear from Washington.
Posted by Hobster at 06:09 0 comments
Labels: calendar items, politics
The Source of Giving Thanks
There remains the second part of the rule, more closely related to faith. It is to recognize that God has destined all things for our good and salvation but at the same time to feel his power and grace in ourselves and in the great benefits he has conferred upon us, and so bestir ourselves to trust, invoke, praise, and love him. Indeed, as I pointed out a little before, God himself has shown by the order of Creation that he created all things for man’s sake. For it is not without significance that he divided the making of the universe into six days, even though it
would have been no more difficult for him to have completed in one moment the whole work together in all its details than to arrive at its completion gradually by a progression of this sort. But he willed to commend his providence and fatherly solicitude toward us in that, before he fashioned man, he prepared everything he foresaw would be useful and salutary for him. How great ingratitude would it be now to doubt whether this most gracious Father has us in his care, who we see was concerned for us even before we were born! How impious would it be to tremble for fear that his kindness might at any time fail us in our need, when we see that it
was shown, with the greatest abundance of every good thing, when we were yet unborn! Besides, from Moses we hear that, through His liberality, all things on earth are subject to us. It is certain that He did not do this to mock us with the empty title to a gift. Therefore nothing that is needful for our welfare will ever be lacking to us.
To conclude once for all, whenever we call God the Creator of heaven and earth, let us at the same time bear in mind that the dispensation of all those things which he has made is in his own hand and power and that we are indeed his children, whom he has received into his faithful protection to nourish and educate. We are therefore to await the fullness of all good things from him alone and to trust completely that he will never leave us destitute of what we need for salvation, and to hang our hopes on none but him! We are therefore, also, to petition him for whatever we desire; and we are to recognize as a blessing from him, and thankfully to acknowledge, every benefit that falls to our share. So, invited by the great sweetness of his beneficence and goodness, let us study to love and serve him with all our heart.- John Calvin
The Institutes of the Christian Religion
Posted by Hobster at 04:42 0 comments
Labels: calendar items, Calvinism, quotations, Theologians
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Jagged Little Pill
Was flipping through my radio presets the other day, begging the computers who put Johnny Fever et al. out of work for something I wanted to listen to, when (finally!) The Bob came through for me, playing the original version of Alanis' "You Oughta Know." I was slightly taken aback, to tell you the truth, clearly I've spent far too much time listening to the 1996 Grammy Awards version and 10th Anniversary Acoustic version. I'd forgotten just how, for lack of a better term, raw the song was (even now, really).
Inspired by that, I've listened to the entire Jagged Little Pill album a handful of times in the last few days. It's one of those albums that's very easy to get lost in, my productivity slipped a lot while I sang/hummed along. Yes, there are problems with the album -- her poor understaning of irony, for example -- but it's about as close to perfection as you can get in a pop album. Joy, contentment, amusement with the human condition, anger, disappointment, did I mention anger?, love...she covers all the bases in a way really no one had before -- at least not with the commercial success she found.
I would consider myself an Alanis fan -- TLoML's a bigger one, tho'. We have every album, even the concert VHS from the Jagged days. And while I enjoy her stuff, and the artist she's evolved into, I'd say there's only about 1/3 of her material I like as much as this album. It's probably unfair to compare anything else she does to the magic that was Jagged, much like it's unfair to compare anything Peter Jackson does to his Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Seinfeld cast to that show, etc. If someone catches lightning in a bottle once, you should be impressed that they did and enjoy it for what it is, without demanding the impossible again and again.
If you have it on your shelf (or hard drive), do yourself a favor and give it a whirl if you haven't recently. You'll be glad you did.
Posted by Hobster at 12:48 0 comments
Labels: music
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Mamma .... Mamma ... Mamma ...
a little fun to brighten your day ... this is a real hoot (IMHO). You might want to click through to youtube and watch it full size.
Naturally, in response to this, one has to ask, "Am I really a guy who says 'a real hoot' without irony?" ugh.
Posted by Hobster at 15:56 1 comments
Labels: humor, music, online video
A Pre-Thanksgiving Feast
Arnold's Kindergarten class hosted a Thanksgiving feast today, unlike the ones I had in school growing up, there was actual food (prepared by students and staff) not just candy corn and cupcakes. The Pilgrim and Native American costumes were likewise made out of actual cloth, not construction paper and paper bags from the grocery store. They're far more classy than we were :) Parents and grandparents were invited, and encouraged to bring cameras. I, of course, left my camera on my desk and the batteries in the charger. So I got to try out my new phone's camera. With one exception, I seemed to do okay with it (def. the best phone-based camera I've owned).
Do note the male-female ratio in some of these group shots, in future years, this will be a dream of these young men, but now it's something akin to torture.




local readers will want to take note that there is not a single religious text to be found (and no, I didn't crop them out), despite this being on the grounds of a certain notorious school. Ironically enough, the lack of such is one of those things that would've been abhorrent to the people they sought to honor. But at this point, the Idaho National Guard probably would've been called out if these kids had one.
Posted by Hobster at 14:59 0 comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
Just Weird to Watch SNL Go Political and Agree with It
it happens occasionally, but still weirds me out each time.
Posted by Hobster at 08:01 1 comments
Labels: humor, online video, politics
Not Sure Which is Worse...
Trying to imagine what this man went through, or the very real possibility that there are countless like him.
From the Daily Mail:
A car crash victim has spoken of the horror he endured for 23 years after he was misdiagnosed as being in a coma when he was conscious the whole time.You've got to read the whole thing.
Rom Houben, trapped in his paralysed body after a car crash, described his real-life nightmare as he screamed to doctors that he could hear them - but could make no sound.
'I screamed, but there was nothing to hear,' said Mr Houben, now 46, who doctors thought was in a persistent vegatative state.
'I dreamed myself away,' he added, tapping his tale out with the aid of a computer.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1230092/Rom-Houben-Patient-trapped-23-year-coma-conscious-along.html#ixzz0Xh8dZBP1
Posted by Hobster at 07:55 0 comments
Labels: in the news, medical stuff
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Thought for the Lord's Day - #50
Those who are strict in restraining their own liberty yet ought not to impose those restraints upon the liberties of others, nor to judge of them accordingly. We must not make ourselves the standard to measure others by. A good man will deny himself that liberty which he will not deny another, contrary to the practice of the Pharisees.
- Matthew Henry
Posted by Hobster at 10:14 0 comments
Labels: Lord's Day, quotations, Sabbath, sanctification, Theologians, theology, Thought for the Lord's Day
Saturday, November 21, 2009
This Post Is Sincere. No, Really.
This is a movement I could totally get behind. If only I had the abilities, I'd be cranking this stuff out.
You know it'd be way more useful than Comic Sans.
Posted by Hobster at 13:42 0 comments
Labels: miscellany
Friday, November 20, 2009
Sometimes you Feel Like Father of the Year
...without doing a darn thing.
I've seen repeated references to this over the last week in various corners of the 'Net, but really haven't bothered to read the details 'til now. According to the Minnesota Daily"
With the birth of his son 15 years ago, dedicated linguist d'Armond Speers embarked on the ultimate experiment: He spoke to him only in Klingon — the language of the alien race of "Star Trek" fame — for the first three years of his life.Now I have the first edition of Simon & Schuster's Klingon-English Dictionary (also the book tape recorded by Michael Dorn), I even memorized a phrase or two from it back in high school--as did many of my friends. But that's just geeky fun, as is the Klingon Boggle that the guys on The Big Bang Theory play, it's a bit extreme, but you know there are people out there that do that.
"I was interested in the question of whether my son, going through his first language acquisition process, would acquire it like any human language," Speers said. "He was definitely starting to learn it."
But this guy takes the cake, right? What a nerd! Something about that story didn't work right, I know fanboys tend towards the odd, and frequently pathetic, but...as goofy as we tend to be, we do manage to keep a foot in reality.
But I guess that's why you need to read all the context. The Klingon child-rearing is not the point of the article, it was actually an introduction to talking about this company making nifty language learning software and Speers' consulting for it.
He's actually not a Trekker at all,
As for Speers, who still gets nostalgic when he recalls singing the Klingon lullaby "May the Empire Endure" with his son at bedtime, the experiment was a dud. His son is now in high school and doesn't speak a word of Klingon.Ahhh, now it makes sense. Nerds, geeks, fanboys and all will ultimately (often times far too late, see these people) show some restraint.
Although some of the things he's done lead people to believe he's a "Star Trek" fanatic, Speers said it's actually a passion for language that attracts him to Klingon.
"I don’t go to 'Star Trek' conventions, I don't wear the fake forehead," he said. "I’m a linguist."
Academics on the other hand...
Posted by Hobster at 23:45 2 comments
Labels: in the news, miscellany
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Miscellaney: Twilight, Cell Phones, Vids, and other stuff
This afternoon, I really wanted to write up something on the new DVD set Monty Python: Almost the Truth, but I just don't have the time/attention span. Hopefully I can crank it out at work tonight. So, we'll just do this list of things that come to mind for no reason.
- Chuck comes back on January 10, Burn Notice on the 28th. January's gonna be a killer month.
- Not that anyone really cares about my take on this, but as someone who knows next to nothing about cell phone technology, the Samsung Solstice is really nice, and once I get better at the whole touch screen thing I will probably become enslaved to it.
- I'm reading the Twilight Saga this month, I'd read the Twilight before it became a mega-sensation, but hadn't gotten to the rest of the series. I'm halfway through Eclipse, and even tho' I know it's moot (and a lost battle), I have to say I'm a Team Jacob guy. (I can't believe I took a side in this...what's wrong with me? Feel free to fill up the comments section on that one).
- Whoever did this has way too much time on their hands, one of the better jobs along these lines I've seen:
- This ain't too shabby, either
- When Matt Smith was cast as Doctor Who last year, I could only wonder about the sanity of Steven Moffat (who I trusted almost implicitly before this), and wondered if he could pull it off. After watching The Waters of Mars I could only feel sorry for the poor guy. I imagine him watching that and calling his agent to get him out of it, "I don't want to have to follow this guy!!!"
- There's a real downside to school uniforms...particularly if you have grade school boys. 2 of the 4 came home with ruined pants today (I seriously want to send a bill to the parents of the kid that tripped Samwise).
- Be careful before you click this link, you'll end up singing a particular song for a day or three, but it would be very cool (for some reason, Facebook wouldn't allow me to post the 4 times I tried) if Nathan Fillion got his dream role.
- As I mentioned recently, The Swell Season's new album Strict Joy is just great--I ponied up the extra money and got about 2 hours of concert tracks along with the album. On one of the tracks, Glen Hansard starts talking about recently being introduced to the Freaks and Geeks DVD set (gift idea, btw), which made me like him even more. So when he twittered about this song last night, I had to check youtube just in case. It had already been posted, this internet being the quick thing that it is. This is a hoot and a half (but very "adult" material, consider yourself warned).
- Semi-serious note, in what will be sure to be controversial, Roger Ebert un-anonymizes himself. Very inspirational.
- If anyone with a flair for graphic arts or whatever wants 3-4 very small jobs (with smaller budgets), lemme know.
- Lastly, I finally topped the 50% mark today in NaNoWriMo!! Yeah, I'm 4 days late on that, but as TLomL noted (and I doubted until I later verified) I was even more behind last year. The amount of research I'm going to have to do on top of the editing on this thing is going to be daunting, but at least it'll keep me busy.
Posted by Hobster at 16:05 0 comments
Labels: blogs, miscellany, music, online video, personal
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
What Messages are We Watching?
Hate to simply point you to another person's blogging today, particularly a blog I pointed to last week, but in my defense: A. It's been one of those days; and 2. This is a great post worthy of my pointing, your clicking.
From Geek Dad (my favorite corner of Wired.com, so glad ThinkGeek promoted them recently in a newsletter): Top 10 Bad Messages From Good Movies (somewhat tongue in cheek, but decent point)
Sometimes it can be hard to see the messages a movie teaches, especially if they’re unintentional. The best way to see a movie’s messages, the bad ones in particular, is to be a parent watching the movie with your kids. Suddenly you find yourself talking to your kids after you leave the theater or after the video finishes playing at home, just to see if they picked up on the bad messages. Then, if they did, you can try to do some damage control.I'd picked up some of these on my own, and wish I'd thought of the rest. Like many parents, I really do care about the messages sent/received through the movies my kids watch.
Quality doesn’t generally come into play when it comes to messages: There are plenty of bad movies whose messages are perfectly benign, and plenty of good movies that have messages you definitely wouldn’t want your kids to take to heart. It is this latter category with which this list is concerned. Here then is a countdown of the top 10 bad messages in good (and at least somewhat geeky) movies:
Posted by Hobster at 16:03 0 comments
Labels: DVD/movie
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Pixar's Up
We finally caught Up this weekend. Personally, I had high hopes for this movie, but have to admit to a good deal of trepidation as I hit the "play" button. While Ratatouille was cute enough, and was well done, it was at the the bottom of my Pixar list (near the bottom of animated family flicks, honestly), until WALL•E came out anyway--what a snooze-fest! So I was a little worried that Pixar might have run out of magic.
I didn't even get through the title sequence before I knew that wasn't true. How could your heart not melt (or at least get a bit squishy) watching Carl and Ellie's life together. And Up just got better from there.
The voice talents rocked--particularly Bob Peterson pulling double duty as Dug and Alpha (Dug's my second favorite dog character of the year, I'd gladly watch his further adventures even if Russel and Carl weren't anywhere around). It took Frodo a syllable to recognize ol' John Ratzenberger, just wish his part had been bigger. Of course, Ed Asner carried the film, and did so easily--Carl practically lived and breathed, the combination of that animation and Asner's voice was a match made in heaven.
This, incidentally, is one of those movies that makes our upgrade to BluRay last year absolutely worth it...gorgeous movie.
The plot may not have been Pixar's strongest (wasn't the weakest, I'll add quickly), but whatever small problems it had, they vanished in the overall brilliance of this film.
Funny, heartfelt, exciting, and touching--everything you expect from Pixar.
Grade: A+
Posted by Hobster at 15:33 1 comments
Monday, November 16, 2009
NaNoWriMo Update
Those of you keeping score at home* have noticed those progress bars to the right haven't moved much in the last week--and actually not at all for a few days. Yup. Whoops.
I hit a pothole, and while NaNoWriMo is all about pushing yourself, to keep on writing and not bother with things like fact checking or editing, etc. until you have a first draft, I'd reached a point that without some research, I couldn't progress at all. So I took the time to do the research, which was helpful, but destroyed the 3 or 4 ideas to keep the plot moving forward. I came up with 2 real solid plans from the research though, but couldn't figure out how to incorporate them into my story without rewriting at least half of it (and aging my 10 year old protagonist by 3-5 years, which would make a fairly significant change in how he acts, thinks, and talks--and I really wasn't in the mood for that).
So I spent another day and a half just stuck there. Which was so, so, not fun at all. Not even thinking about my word count, just that I'd lost momentum--and was having a pretty fun time writing daily.
Thankfully, a tangential point of my research, one that promised no potential plotlines at all, turned out to be my savior. I just had to be desperate enough to see it. I really can't give a satisfactory explanation for it without summarizing my whole story up to this point and through the end--and I'm one of those writers that can't do that. The instant I tell someone my plot, it's DOA.
Today's main writing session was cut brief by Real Life™--dentist appointments, getting a new cell phone, trying to figure out how to use the new cell phone, etc. (I may relate the embarrassing events leading up to the new phone tomorrow, if I'm feeling up to the humble pie)--and was encumbered by all this inertia built up over the weekend. But towards the end, I think I could tell I was reaching a turning point.
Let's hope I did...am about 5K behind now. :)
* Wow, really, you are? And I thought I needed to get a life.
Posted by Hobster at 23:32 0 comments
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Thought for the Lord's Day - #49
No man shall ever behold the glory of Christ by sight hereafter, who doth not in some measure behold it by faith here in this world. Grace is a necessary preparation for glory, and faith for sight Where the subject (the soul) is not previously seasoned with grace and faith, it is not capable of glory or vision. Nay, persons not disposed hereby unto it cannot desire it, whatever they pretend; they only deceive their own souls in supposing that so they do. Most men will say with confidence, living and dying, that they desire to be with Christ, and to behold his glory; but they can give no reason why they should desire any such thing,-only they think it somewhat that is better than to be in that evil condition which otherwise they must be cast into for ever, when they can be here no more. If a man pretend himself to be enamoured on, or greatly to desire, what he never saw, nor was ever represented unto him, he doth but dote on his own imaginations. And the pretended desires of many to behold the glory of Christ in heaven, who have no view of it by faith whilst they are there in this world are nothing but self-deceiving imaginations.
- John Owen
Posted by Hobster at 13:23 0 comments
Labels: John Owen, Lord's Day, Puritanica, quotations, Sabbath, Theologians, theology, Thought for the Lord's Day
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Well, What Can You Say?
Really not a lot to say about the UI-BSU game today. Vandal fans had more than just habit/school pride going for us this year when we talked about our chances. Sadly, hope doesn't mean much on the football field when it runs into a ranked team really needing an impressive showing and a freshman quarterback on his second start.
Instead, I'll try to focus on the positive things about today...there were some, I just have to think about it a little...
Oh yeah, we had a pleasant time with my sister and niece...and technically with the friend my sister brought with her, just hard to count the friend as I think I heard her say 20 words in the 4 hours she spent here (she did talk more than that, but outside of those 20 words, they were all basically whispered to my sister). TLomL learned how to make a new appetizer/game day snack. My boys learned a little more about football, so in later life they'll be slightly less likely to embarrass themselves in social settings. I was able to get WonderMutt to not excitedly jump all over/terrify guests (for politeness sake, we won't go into the amount of work/time that took). We came up with a great number of creative ways to say "stupid Rotator cuff." My sister demonstrated a shocking lack of knowledge about the our alma mater (how does someone spend five years in that city, much less as a student and walk away not knowing about the "I" bench and "Hello Walk"?) and we had a good time laughing about that--I know when she visited me in high school I pointed those things out to her. We also got an important lesson in being thankful for the little things, cuz I'm sure we wouldn't remember any of those things right now if the game had been competitive for more than 30 seconds.
I'm going to show restraint and not rant about the local media acting like the game was a silly formality. Is a little respect that hard? Especially given the number of UI alums in their audience.
Nathan Enderle, may you get better soon...
Posted by Hobster at 19:07 0 comments
Friday, November 13, 2009
Sure The Doctor Danced with Rose,
... but Capt. Jack can do just fine on his own.
When I saw this posted over at Sci Fi Wire, the only thing I could think was, "This guy came across as too straight to be cast in the lead of Will & Grace???" Oh well, rather have him as Capt. Jack/The Face of Bo anytime.
Posted by Hobster at 12:36 0 comments
Labels: online video, TV