Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Well, tonight I found myself writing a poem. Really didn't intend on it, but started typing away and viola, a poem emerged. Haven't written on in about 13 years. And man, did it show. I'd planned on posting it here originally. But after a few drafts, I decided the only noble thing to do was bury it in a shallow grave the way they do in Mob movies.

The metaphor was strained, and horribly obvious. It was tragic in that sort of despondent highschooler/college freshman way that all your friends will say is "deep" or "honest" or "artistic," but is actually a lazy and sloppy sentimentalism dressed up in whatever the fashion of the day is. A real hack job.

On the other hand, it was a good exercise--I think. Got some stuff out of my system. Helped me deal with some issues I needed to deal with. Reminded me that one of the greatest desires of my life is to be a prose writer :)


Anonymous said...

mmmmm....I wonder if you're being a bit too hard on yourself????

Hobster said...

very kind of you to say, travelin, but no. I know bad verse when I see it. :)