Friday, November 10, 2006

Misc thoughts/links/etc for Friday

  • Michael Chabon has taken my breath away again. I finished Summerland last night. And wished I hadn't. I just loved visiting that world he'd created in that novel. It's not as creepy as Wonder Boys, wasn't as moving as The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay , but it was magical. I felt like a child first entering Narnia, the Land of the Wangdoodle, or taken the first ride to Dictionopolis--but it's not a kid's book. It just makes you feel like one. This one's going back on my "to read" pile. This book deserves a several-part series of reviews. Maybe I'll do that one day. Until then, go read it yourself.
  • Afterwards, I took a stroll down Amnesia Lane and watched the BSG miniseries that launched the new series. Was struck by the change in Kara Thrace over the years. Literally did a double-take when she did her little victory-dance/song when she won the card game with "full colors." Can't see her doing that now. But it's not that the show's been dishonest with the character, they haven't radically changed her. She's grown. Just happened so seamlessly, really didn't notice it. Like I've said before, BSG is at the same time the absolute best about TV right now, and the close-to-the-absolute worst.
  • ...speaking of TV, Studio 60 got a full season pick-up. PHEW! Now, if the show can find it's footing. Maybe if Sorkin watched some old Sports Night eps...
  • Challies pointed to MLB's This Year in Baseball Awards, check out the Play of the Year category. The Tampa Bay Devil Rays' nomination is not to be missed. Really.
  • Couldn't stop laughing at the whole running Swarley gag on How I Met Your Mother this week. This show keeps getting better and better. Not blockbuster good, but top-notch, charming, and only thing that makes me think of Friends Season 1 since I started pining for it in mid-Season 2.
  • ...oh and for those of you living under a rock at the bottom of the Marianas Trench, new Spider-Man 3 trailer