Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Them's Fightin' Words

What I hope to demonstrate is that the hermeneutical error that establishes infant baptism is also found in dispensationalism, modern-day Theonomy, and a normative view of worship that misunderstands and misrepresents the regulative principle.
--Fred Malone,
The Baptism of
Disciples Alone, p. 2

Obviously, there's not a lot there to chew on--nor am I going to retype his evidence for that assertion. Just thought I'd throw that out there for ya'll to chew on.


Anonymous said...

Wait a minute! What?
That doesn't sound right and I would say just the opposite what Malone said.
If I'm understanding his quote correctly, which I think I am.
Moreover, his quote is completely absurd!

rustypth said...

I guess I can't comment on what I can't see =)

Hobster said...

sorry, not gonna retype the 200 page book :)

At first glance tho, would you agree with that sentiment?

rustypth said...

I'm not sure to be honest. I'd like to know how he's comparing paedobaptism with dispensational, theonomy, and the regulative principle of worship.

polymathis said...

Boy, I hope you have to read that book for class or something 'cause with an opener like that I'd waste my time on better things (like comix ;-P

How can any intellegent and well-read individual put dispensationalism and Theonomy in the same sentence like that!? I'd have to see some summary (that would mean by you!). But prima facia the statement is absurd.

Lockheed said...

I read the book, and agree with the premise. ;)