Saturday, February 06, 2010

Too Dependent on the Internet? Me?!??

So my coworker and I are watching a TV show on DVD tonight and got into a dispute over the identity over a guest star. I said it was so-and-so, he said it couldn't be--so-and-so wouldn't take a small job like that, and wasn't that short. I countered with the evidence that the guy hadn't had a job in years, so he wasn't likely to be picky, and yeah, he was a shrimp. So, naturally I went off to to settle the argument before my friend made a bigger fool of himself (sure, I had to grant the possibility that I was wrong, but come on...)

For some reason, the cast listing for that particular episode was rather lacking, and the actor's listing didn't help either. So I went to another website, and another. Nothing gave me the answer I was looking for.

So we went on with our shift, somewhat dissatisfied. And my poor colleague continued under the delusion that he knew what he was talking about.

Fifteen minutes later, I had a brainstorm, picked up the remote and fast-forwarded to the bit after the credits where they list the guest stars. Quaint little solution, eh? So dependent on the Internet that I couldn't see the answers right in front of me. How pathetic.

I should go check google or Yahoo to see if there's a way for me to work on that.

Oh, and not that it matters at all, but I was totally right about the actor.


Lockheed said...

My wife and I have done this several times. She'll say "hey that's so-and-so" and I'll say "nah, he's older"... grab the laptop and google like crazy. Iirc we ended up looking at the credits too.

Anonymous said...

yeah, been there...done that

seriously...what ever did we do before google,yahoo and imdb? lol
