Monday, February 22, 2010

Great Speech

Yeah, George Will's an elitist, a snob, etc. (I remember with horror a rant he did against people wearing blue jeans too often in Newsweek last year), but when he's right...he's so, so right. From last week's CPAC gathering, it's worth the time--even if the idea of listening to a CPAC speech fills you with dread and/or gives you hives.
Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

(h/t: HotAir)


Lockheed said...

I want this guy to argue with my boss for me to get a raise.

Hobster said...


Lockheed said...

Did you notice how the cameras kept panning to audience members who didn't get the joke?

Hobster said...

*chuckle* no, I didn't...was listening while doing chores...been meaning to give it another listen, now have a reason to watch :)