Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Wireless Life

So other than that picture, no real post today--and that pic doesn't really count much (still get points for the inherent cuteness embodied by both WonderMutt and Arnold, squared by them together).

Why? Am I having another season of being blocked?


Cuz we had a bit of snow today, which I guess wreaked far more havoc than snowstorms or simply larger amounts of snow have done. Namely:

  • our satellite TV was out for 3-4 hours this morning
  • our Wireless Internet was out for about an hour in the middle of that
  • our cell phone lost service for about 2 hours after that
  • ourWireless Internet was out for about 3 hours after that
...and of course, not thinking that such a measly amount of snow (90% of which was gone before noon) would be responsible for that, I spent a good deal of time attempting troubleshoot each of those items. By the time I was fully reconnected to the world, I was in no mood to expend any more energy dealing with any of it, y'know?

I know being so free to move about without the tether of a cord or cable or anything is supposed to be a boon, but Shnikes! It can be such a pain.