Tuesday, June 27, 2006

GA: A Word About the Action on the Justification Report

Okay, as the Internet is buzzing about our action on the report (and has been before we even officially saw it), and I've received comments and emails wondering about it, I feel compelled to say a little more--for the sake of those who read this, particularly those in my church. I'm hesitant to say much, waiting for our Committee on Christian Ed to put out the final official version of the report with an explanatory preface. But, we've got to give people something to start with. I may keep writing a bit on this later. Polymathis is finding all sorts of interesting things about the word "commend" just by doing Adobe searches through the minutes :)

Anyway, here's a little something written by Guest Blogger Jason Wallace, the pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church, Salt Lake, my seminary mentor and all-around good guy (my first guest blogger, I think). Without further ado, take it away Jason:

The politics of spin never cease to amaze me. Anyone who wants to think the OPC backed away by "not adopting" the justification report is deluded. People need to look up what adoption means in Robert's Rules before offering opinions.

The whole idea of adoption was based on a misunderstanding of the differences between our standing rules and Robert's Rules. The report was never intended for adoption, and it was only suggested when someone tried to make more of that than was intended. I know of no one who wanted to bind themselves to every single word of the report. Adoption would have created more confusion than clarity. We also did not want to open the report up to endless amendments. This is not the Westminster Confession. It has been recommended in the strongest terms. It was also recommended by the General Assembly today to devote an issue of New Horizons to critiquing the New Perspectives and Federal Vision.

The OPC has spoken, but to many of our critics nothing will satisfy them. They have splintered the church with innuendo, and must now pick apart everything we do to justify themselves. They will seize on this and say, "See, they didn't adopt!" On the other hand, some who desire to promote these heresies may choose to believe they are free to do so. If they do, they will be charged and tried in the courts of the church.


Anonymous said...

Good grief. "but to many of our critics nothing will satisfy them." That shoe fits on more than one foot. How about a little charitable dialog? From what I have witnessed, there is a bunch of talking past one another on both sides. May God be merciful to the babel confusion that is being witnessed by the extended catholic church.
