Monday, September 19, 2005

I failed ye scruvy dogs!

I remember reading last week that today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and I've rattled off two posts with narry a landlubber, avast or aye--I'm such a bilge rat.

Sorry mateys, will try to do better next year.

Here's what the two posts should've looked like:

If you enter this, please be use t' referral ID 90292, which will do you no good whatsover, but would be a nice thin' t' do anyway.
Can't help but be struck at how much Paul talks about t' day o' Jesus Christ here--outside o' date-settin', etc., how prominent be t' thought o' that day in sermons, books, etc.?

But what reallly caught me eye this mornin' was that even tho' Paul was aye or confident that God will finish t' good work he started in t' Philippians, he prayed for it. He prayed that they would love more, so they'd be pure and blameless. So they'd be holy. We pray for others t' be saved, or t' be healed, or t' be safe and cared for. But how often do we pray that God would make someone holy? "Oh Lord, please sanctify Jim" or "Father, make Susie holy." I'm not sayin' that travel mercies, new jobs, positive medical results, and t' rest aren't important. But isn't livin' unto starboardeousness more important?

I've heard many take Robert Murray M'Cheyne's prayer for themselves, "Lord make me as holy as a pardoned sinner can be." Wouldn't a great part o' bein' that holy come out in us prayin', "Lord make Bill, Mary and James as holy as pardoned sinners can be, too"?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the holiness blogs, especially the McCheyne prayer.
A good closing for my day.