Saturday, March 20, 2004

Quote of the Moment

My former pastor passed along this nugget from John Owen to me yesterday:

"There is in heaven a special, a personal regard of all that come unto God by Christ, as if their names were there recorded. Christ remembers them as effectually as if He presented them by name to His Father in His intercession. Their names are written in the Lamb's book, that was slain, that was sacrificed, and he that was sacrificed is the same who intercedes. He knows who are His (2 Tim. 2:19) and how; he knows them by name, John 10:3; and as He knows, so He presents, so he intercedes for them. Those who come unto God by Him, may have as much assurance of the comfort and advantage of His intercession, as if they heard Him in heaven interceding for them by name."