Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Last year, after I gave up on my quixotic goal of blogging my way through the Nero Wolfe corpus (still bummed I failed on that), I made a decision to cut back on my book blogging, 'cuz it felt like I was talking wayyy to much about them. But looking back over my 2010 posts, I saw that really wasn't the case. Also, I remembered that I'd met myself, and I tend to be a bit obsessed with books, so what else am I going to talk about?

At the same time, I started using Goodreads.com last year, and while not 100% faithful about writing mini-to-full reviews of what I read, I was a whole lot better at it than I was here. From time to time, I copied things over here, but not that often. I've now decided to automatically post what I put there over here, (see the previous post) just to keep this place as the center of all things me.

If nothing else, this'll keep this place updated regularly -- hopefully, it'll spur some conversation, and maybe even nudge someone toward a good read (no pun intended).

Or away from a bad one, come to think of it.

By the way, if you're a Goodreads member, why not be my friend? If you're not a member, check out the site and think about it. Maybe try your hand at their 2011 Reading Challenge.