Monday, January 18, 2010

Radio Silence

Not sure what little mental blip I hit the other day, but I haven't been able to finish a post since Wednesday. Part of the problem is that I was getting tired of doing nothing but review/review-ish posts -- tho' I have 2 more almost complete and at least 1 more planned for the week. But honestly, can't think of anything else to say. What could I say about the earthquake last week? I'm against 'em?

I had something moderately amusing/interesting to say about situations like the Leno/Conan thing in the works 'til Conan's very classy letter to the People of Earth hit, which took all the wind out of my sails (actually, that's probably what derailed me last week). Anyway, who cares?

I'm going to force myself to finish at least one of these posts in the next couple of hours, and if all I can talk about for the next few days (or longer) are reflections on what I'm seeing/reading, so be it. Something else will come eventually. Probably.


Anonymous said...

note to hobs:
cute kid posts always appreciated
