Wednesday, April 08, 2009

(tap, tap, tap) Is This Thing On?

I have to stop visiting my pal Micah's Radon Thoughts, gotta delete it from my RSS feed, lose the bookmark. Why? He's got this stupid little widget telling me how long it's been since I posted something new here, and I just can't take the guilt.

I've made a liar out of my post last Monday, sadly. I've now got the number of draft posts up to ten--with roughly the same number of facebook notes in progress (I do intend to reply to all the tags, really...I just spend too much time revising the straight answers I give to make them at least semi-amusing. Plus two other writing projects that I've been unable to get past the blank "page" stage in OpenOffice. Not sure why I can't finish anything...

Will keep trying. In the meantime, I'll just say that I'm not too upset about CC's sloppy start on Monday, so don't bother asking, and that I'm really enjoying Justin Gustainis' Black Magic Woman--glad I gave it a shot, despite a couple tepid reviews. It's like someone sat down to write an urban fantasy convinced that the last few Dresden file novels have been too light.


Steve B said...

If you like Urban Fantasy, you should definitely check out Charles de Lint. He's a master of the trade. I lurve his stuff like a fluffy kitten.

Steve B said...

I'm still halfway through season 3. I seriously need to catch up.