Sunday, April 19, 2009

Shoshone Falls

The weather here is finally starting to resemble spring (mid-70's today). Now normally, I celebrate this by turning on the A/C as I crack open a book. But this year, we decided to try something different...and go outside. Last week the local paper was talking about how great Shoshone Falls was looking this year (video at the link), with officials releasing water from reservoirs to make room for melting mountain snowpack. So we decided to take a day trip to check it out.

Little did we know at the time, about three-quarters of Southern Idaho was thinking the same thing. About two miles from the park, traffic came to a stand still, a few yards from there, we saw a sign warning that due to high traffic we could expect a delay of up to twenty-five minutes. They were only off by thirty minutes. Yup. Took us 55 minutes to travel 2 miles. (the way out took 10 min--probably would've been 5 if it hadn't been for all the people who decided to abandon their cars and walk the 2 miles--and take up half the 'out' route in the process)
Anyhow, it was a pleasant day, got some decent pics (and some others, too). Tried some nature shots, which I don't normally do, as it involves being out in...nature. Anyhow, here's the thumbnails, click on 'em for a full image.

the backside of the falls
the backside of the falls, with Lilliputians looking onthat's a lotta water
after the fallsmildly different perspective
Frodo's more impressed than he looksslightly different perspective
was trying to get a shot showing how tall the thing was, but that stoopid rainbow got in the way


TLoHL said...


Hobster said...

from The Urban Dictionary (granted, not the most scholarly of resources, but it makes the point well):

Having the quality of being really, really, really, stupid

That movie was so stoopid that it is spelled with two o's.