Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Chuck vs. the Colonel

I really didn't want to do another TV post this week, but having just watched the Chuck's penultimate season 2 episode (please, please, please, NBC, don't let this be the penultimate episode for the series), I can do nothing else.

This post will be spoiler-free on behalf of my Australian friend who's on vacation, so will be behind on TV viewing. This one had it all...humor/action/romance...everything was firing on all cylinders. Gonna do a run-down on most of the characters to sum up how I feel about this one.

Morgan...Awesome. Seriously, way to go buddy.

Anna Wu...Awesome.

Big Mike...fairly awesome.

Lester & Jeff/Jeffster...creepily awesome.

Ellie...wasn't in the episode much, but awesome hair at the end.

Ted Roark...if awesome were nerdishly'd be Roark

Casey...Reagan-esque awesomeness.

Milbarge...completely not awesome (in an awesome way)

Steve Bartowski/Orion...paternally awesome awesome as ever.

Sarah...awesome enough to make Sydney Bristow nervous.

Chuck & Sarah...'awwwww'some.

and I cannot forget: Devon ('Captain Awesome') totally awesome.

I could buy this episode alone on Blu-Ray tomorrow (and would if I could) play it on a loop until every member of my family was quoting verbatim, and still not be terribly sick of it.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if I was the only one that had to look up penultimate?

pe⋅nul⋅ti⋅mate   /pɪˈnʌltəmɪt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [pi-nuhl-tuh-mit] Show IPA
–adjective 1. next to the last: the penultimate scene of the play.
2. of or pertaining to a penult. seems I learn something new EVERY day. Thanks hobs :-)
