Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Gotta be Something in the Geneva Convention About This

Think I've stumbled upon some new method of torture--cops, MPs, counter-intelligence agents might want to consider using this (I know many, many of those read this blog, after all).

Poppped one of those "single serving" microwave popcorn bags in the microwave a few minutes ago (incidentally, the existence of those bags is probably proof that Satan is Alive and Well on Planet Earth)...and got two or so kernals popped when I followed the directions. So I cooked it double the time it's supposed to be. Couple more pops.

That's it.

At that point, I figured I'd better stop before I blew something up, or burned something (who needs that smell?).

However, now our work area smells like popcorn, and there's not any to be had.

The aroma is driving me crazy. I'm perfectly willing to tell anyone all the secrets--state or otherwise--that I know. Just give me the chance.


polymathis said...

Wow--you must have a low-watt microwave from the fifties!! Or you bought that popcorn from China ;-)

(For me, that would be torture as well)

irRational said...

I'm frying bacon over here....smell that? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm