Saturday, March 24, 2007

An unexpecedly pleasant day

Not really sure why, but basically from out of nowhere today the kids got a hankerin' to see the great-grandma, and started assaulting me with the chant of "GG! GG! GG!" Honestly and naturally, I hate to encourage that particular M.O. But, how do you say no to that demand?

Afternoon, dinner, and evening plans were then tossed--and a pleasant day was had by all. The nice thing is, the kids really don't have to actually do anything different than they'd normally do--really don't have to interact much at all with her. They just do their thing, and she watches, and has a blast. (that's not to say they want to/do/or would get away with ignoring her...just that it's low pressure). Very relaxing day for me, too. Gram's one of my favorite people in the world, always feel better about life when I spend time with her--just wish I found the time to do so more often. She's got many miles on her odometer, I only hope she's got plenty more to come.

Highlight of the day for the kids might have come when they found the picture of yours truly at approx. 6 mos. old :) Don't expect to see that reproduced here anytime soon.

It's been a few days, and I always get requests for more of these when I post 'em, so....obligatory family pics:


Lockheed said...

Thanks for this Hobs. She looks very happy and proud of you. God bless.