Thursday, March 22, 2007

If I have to put up with Sanjaya another week...

Justice is denied again on American Idol. This year's answer to Kevin Covais and Scott Savol, Sanjaya, lives on. I can't stand it. Need to impose the 25th Ammendment to the US Constitution to Idol voting. Where's the Congressional hearings on this? They can look into steroids in MLB, but this travesty continues unchecked? What madness!!!

uhhh, anyway. While I consider switching to decaff, watch this. It occurred to me this morning that this is quite likely the perfect Sanjaya song--and one that would get him a vote from me. Next week's theme seems like the time to pull it out.
(that, and this is always worth listening to/watching)


Unknown said...

Is this a conspiracy between you and Micah to get me to lose my lunch today? ;)

Hobster said...

No conspiracy, I assure you! Your loss of lunchage is just a bonus.

Actually, I figured everyone would love The Cat--that's part of his charm...