Friday, March 24, 2006

Why do you think I'm overly self-concscious?

So the bell in my headset goes off, letting me know someone had pulled up to the menu board last night.

"Thanks for choosing McDonald's, how can I help you?"
"Um, gimme a second to think."
30+ seconds tick off"Hey, I think I've changed my mind."
Now this is very odd, people normally just drive off if they do that--usually gunning their engine as they do so, as if to express anger that our menu and their late night cravings (and/or cash) didn't match up.
"Sorry to hear that, have a nice night."
"Don't worry, it wasn't your voice or didn't do anything wrong."
And they drive off politely.

What the *BLEEP* is wrong with my voice?!?!?


rustypth said...

ROFL ... awwww man. that is too funny

kletois said...

What the *BLEEP* is wrong with my voice?!?!?

sorry dude, it wasn't a female voice :-)

polymathis said...

I had one guy in drive through at Wendy's (during my wild and crazy high school dayz) give a 20$ tip!
(I was always suspicious why...)