Friday, March 24, 2006

Arnold (formerly known as Kidney Kid) Update 3/22 (posted late)

Had another visit with Arnold's nephrologist this week (backstory links here). He's still pleased, but the kidney function is down to 48%. Not a huge drop, but a drop nonetheless. However, his great-grandma was quick to point out that her nephrologist tells her that kidneys have good and bad days, so perhaps the blood was drawn on a bad day. Basically the doc thinks we're in a period where he'll be hovering in the 50%ish area for function--bouncing around that number for awhile and then getting worse. No guess at a timetable at this time. Still, he's pleased and isn't asking us back for 4 no worries at this time.

Part of the reduced function is just due to growth--he's putting on more muscle, etc. 'Tho even there, we're seeing some slowdown there--he used to be in the 50th percentile for head size and height--now in the 25th. Still in the 50th for weight, tho'. However, the nephrologist tends to go with quick and dirty measurements, so I'm not putting too much stock in these figures 'til he sees his pediatrician in a few days.

Otherwise, he's doing well--still a bit lagging in the talking department, but he's making progress. His temper is developing quite well, and his puppy dog expression is, too. On the whole, still good natured, loves to help his "Daa-ee" with a few daily routines, and jumps out of his skin when his mother comes home.

So that's the state of the kid. Thanks for your interest and prayers--they're working.


rustypth said...

I will keep the Kidney Kid, and your family in my prayers. Might the Lord be pleased to grant him healing, and you parents some peace and comfort.