Thursday, February 16, 2006

A Momentary Burst of Enlightenment

Kim Riddlebarger has long been my favorite White Horse Inn host (despite his eschatological writings), but I could never put my finger on exactly why.

Now I can.


Unknown said...

I echo the sentiments of this commenter. ;-)

"Angels Baseball is proof of God's common grace, Yankees Baseball is proof of God's allowance of Evil for His greater glory."

As a side note, I'd like to know what a "fahoz" is, as that's my word verification du jour.

Hobster said...

fahoz: I think that's the technical term for a "soul patch," as in: "Dude, lose the fahoz, you look like such a loser. It ain't emo--it's lame."

As a sign of greater sanctification and sophistication I will let your other remark stand in embarrassed silence.

Hobster said...

oh, wait, the home office has informed me that fahoz comes from Latin. It describes a rare fever. How rare?

(wait for it)

(you know what's coming)

And the only prescription for the more cowbell!