Wednesday, May 26, 2004

America has Spoken

And my 5-year old's confidence in democracy has been restored. After the debacle with LaToya and slip up with Jennifer I didn't know if he could take a Fantasia loss...probably turn into a commie. But thankfully, that's a moot question now. He apparently was incredibly excited about the results. I'm just waiting for tomorrow morning when he'll be glued to FoxNews for their recap (over the last couple of Thursdays he's actually started grabbing the remote and switching from The Disney Channel to Fox for this) and he can tell me all about the show.

This afternoon he was full of confidence--Fantasia had to win, he and his mom voted, and who ever gets the votes wins... (lesson for Al Gore there).

This was our first season watching the show, probably not our last. I was really surprised how into it I got--btw, YAY FANTASIA (where do you think the boy got his taste?).

Now, I've got to work a couple of CD's into the budget so I can keep the command "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger..."