Thursday, January 01, 2009

with "Auld Lang Syne" playing in the background

Harry: What does this song mean? My whole life, I don't know what this song means. I mean, 'Should old acquaintance be forgot'? Does that mean that we should forget old acquaintances, or does it mean if we happened to forget them, we should remember them, which is not possible because we already forgot?

Sally: Well, maybe it just means that we should remember that we forgot them or something. Anyway, it's about old friends.

Not to be all cynical or anything, but really, what is New Year's Eve/New Year's Day celebration but one more proof that humans will take any excuse to stay up late, wear silly hats and drink? Not that I'm necessarily criticizing any of that--well, maybe some of the hats--I just don't get exactly why we make all the fuss.