Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thought for the Lord's Day #23

From Ref21's blog:

Them that honour me...

Some of today's Scottish newspapers are running a story about our local school's girls' football team. Against all the odds, they beat off older teams from larger schools all over Scotland, to reach the final of a national tournament sponsored by Coca-Cola - only to discover it was scheduled to be held on a Sunday. To not a little disappointment, the decision was taken to pull out of the opportunity to win the national tournament because of the religious convictions of our community.
read the rest of Iain D Campbell's post here.


MarieP said...

Thanks for posting that, Hobs!

Often it's been said that one's attitude toward the Sabbath is a most accurate barometer for measuring spiritual health.

Hope you had a blessed one :-) Two highlights of mine were the baptism of a new believer and the ordination of a new elder!

Anonymous said...

I find this post a bit hypocritical of you.

Hobster said...

you are certainly free to do so, you brave anonymous soul

MarieP said...

1. No one was made to work by posting a blog post.

2. Writing something on a blog is no different than writing on a piece of paper, which John did when commanded by our Lord in Revelation.

3. The Sabbath is not a legalistic observance, but we are to call it a delight. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.