Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Weekend

Around here, we observed Mother's Day yesterday--I presented TLomL with a stunning diamond necklace, followed up with a group gift of a croquet set--which Samwise almost has enough patience to play, it turns out. The rest of us spent some good quality time knocking the balls around before the afternoon got too hot. I tried to make one of her favorite Chinese dishes for dinner, the results were definitely...edible (I think I learned enough that my next attempt will be tasty as well). Thankfully, there's a cheap pizza place nearby :)

Today, almost by accident, we saw both of our mothers and my two grandmothers. One grandmother's health is pretty shaky, this could very well be the last time we saw her. Frankly, I was pretty much a mess leading up to the visit. But we all had a really good time, the visit did me a lot of good--and inexplicably, her, too.