Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Rachel Getting Married

I'm a little over halfway through this stunning film and feel compelled to say a few things.

  • Anne Hathaway really can act. I thoroughly blown-away by her performance. She absolutely deserved the nominations and awards she got for this.
  • Casting Rosemarie DeWitt as her sister was inspired. Always liked DeWitt and am so glad she got to shine in this as well (a few nominations could've been thrown at her, too).
  • This has got to rank up with Silence of the Lambs as Jonathan Demme's best--in some ways surpassing it. During the family fights/arugments, I feel like I'm a guest stuck in an uncomfortable situation while people are fighting around me. The wedding rehearsal and the might as well be documentary footage, it really feels genuine.

I'll rescind this post if it falls apart, but I just can't see that happening. Do yourself a favor and grab this one.