Sunday, June 08, 2008

Down Time

The Little League season ended last week, which I figured signaled that our lives were going to get back to our regular pace--and then had one of those weeks.*

Anyway, this weekend is the first since sometime in March that has been baseball-free. Actually, it's been totally free: nowhere to go, no one to see, nothing to do. And, that's pretty much all we've done--nothing. We've been home. It's been very refreshing, but a little dull.

Most of us have been home anyway--Frodo's off camping with my parents, sister, and pretty much everyone from my father's side of the family. Not sure when it was that we stopped getting invited as a whole, but Frodo was apparently picked to stand in for the rest of us, and was the only one invited. From the silence of our phones, there's no cell-signal where they are, and TLomL is starting to go crazy from the silence from her first-born. Watching her deal with this three-day separation really makes me dread what'll happen in 9 years when he moves out. **

That's not to say we've done absolutely nothing around here. Last night, Samwise unlocked a new character on Mario Kart Wii, and, um...we've re-assigned seats around the dining table. It's remarkable how such a slight little thing can really throw off everyone. Meals have been surprisingly lively. I do wonder if this alteration is going to be the tipping point for Frodo's latent OCD upon his return.

Anyway, that's it from the Newton Household--a much-deserved dull time. Tomorrow I've got something scheduled to post that's the opposite of dull--at least for me (here's a quick teaser: it involved lasers!! oooh, you really want to read it now, don't ya?)

* Been meaning to write something up on that...the fact that I haven't should say a lot about the week. Short version, Samwise has a trophy on the mantle that has nothing to do with participation.
** I realize that by talking about him moving out one day that I've earned a week on the couch.