Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Not quite up there with Shawn Spencer in the whole observation department

So we get the new Nampa Recreation Department catalog the other day, TLomL flips through it and passes it along, "nothing interesting in here." I start to thumb through it, catch this picture out of the corner of my eye, do a double take, then whack her on the shoulder with the rolled up catalog. "Nothing interesting, Mom?" I ask as I show her the picture with her #2 in the center. Oops.

But it goes downhill from there.

We later show the picture to Samwise, "Hey! I have that shirt!" Oy vey. "I would hope so, since it's you wearing it." "Hey! That's me!!"

A couple days later we show that to my mother, who admires the photo as any grandmother should adding, "And I recognize that pair of eyes behind him, don't I?" "Nah, Frodo's in another class this year." "Oh, really? I was sure...." Then this morning, as I'm scanning the picture, I take another look...those are Frodo's eyes (and, proof that only a parent would catch, Sam hasn't worn those pants to PE this year)--that's a picture from last year.

Heaven help us if we're ever called upon to identify someone in a police line up...


Anonymous said...

Might I suggest some Where's Waldo books, might help your lack of observational skills.


Anonymous said...

Awesome, Anon.

This was a good laugh Hob.