Saturday, October 03, 2009

All Sorts of Wrong

When Harry Knowles posted the trailer for this movie over at Ain't It Cool News (which I'm compelled to scour 2-3x a week), he posed the question "Worst Movie Ever?", which I think is just unfair to X3: X-Men United; Repo! The Genetic Opera, Johnny Mnemonic, and Forrest Gump (this is by no means an exhaustive list, just the worst cinematic crimes I that come to mind without effort).

That said, this just looks dreadful! I have to wonder just what type of manipulation the casting agents/producers used to get this cast to sign--blackmail, torture (think that one scene in Marathon Man, pharmaceutical inducement (for entertainment or compulsion)). Sure, the Rock will apparently do any movie you ask. But surely Ashley Judd, Julie Andrews and Billy Crystal have better taste! Crystal hasn't made a live action movie since the regrettable Analyze That in 2002. I don't know why he chose this pile of fetid dingo's kidneys to make his return.

Watch it--this is the equivalent of the burning car wreck on the median strip you just have to rubberneck. Besides, there's no reason I should suffer alone.