Monday, November 26, 2007

A matter of Perspective

Although my kids keep pointing out that Dec. 21 is weeks away, Winter has definately set in around here. This morning I noticed something odd...when it's 7 a.m. and the end of your shift, and you have to think warm thoughts while scraping your window in 19 degree weather and hope that your heater will actually do something about the environment in your van before you make it all the way home... It's cold, painfully cold.

But it's a whollllle new kind of cold when it's 7 a.m. and you just rolled out of bed and you're remember nice, warm thoughts while taking out the trash and scraping your window in 19 degree weather and knowing that the heater isn't going to do anything to help things out as you take your wife to work.

This morning I was really tempted to chuck it all, buy an RV and tour the country while homeschooling the kids like Lisa Whelchel, so I could be in Arizona or New Mexico right now.

But then I remembered that neither TLomL or I starred in a silly 80's sitcom, and will probably never be able to afford to buy an RV and tour the country (much less do so while we are feeding, clothing, and educating kids).

Ah well...chalk it up to my blood being too cold to properly navigate its way through my vessels and get the brain working.