Monday, November 05, 2007

A Craving for Tyranny?

The national symptoms roll on. The United States is in the middle of a portentous abandonment, rapid now, of the ideas that led to the founding of the country, and certainly of what were previously regarded as the purposes of a university. It is the strangest damned thing I have seen. Americas never lived up to its ideals—who or what does?—but it actually tried to and at least said it wanted to. Often it succeeded. Now it deliberately reverses all it stood for.

Curious. Usually it is a government that imposes control over the population. Extreme governments of the right seek absolute control over behavior, and those of the left, over thought. But it is usually the government.

(read the whole thing!!)

and then..."Let it not be said that we did nothing." Remember the 5th of November and on this November 5th, donate to Ron Paul's campaign.


Anonymous said...

This post kicks butt! Ron Paul is acceptional. He has my vote, let's hope he stays in the race.