Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Heading off a best laid scheme ganging aft agley

This sounds like a lot of fun. Would love to do it. But not only do I know I wouldn't get done, my dear, devoted wife would probably wring my neck (in a devotedly endearing way, of course).

At the same time, can you imagine the gross tonnage of sheer dreck that will result from NaNoWriMo? Whoever puts this thing on, pushes for the sponsorships, etc. Should make a promise to read every single line of text put out in this effort. Some would be rewarding, some would lead them to change it to NaNoWriDecade. Parker--who's one of the best around, puts out 4 novels a year. 3 of which generally need a good rework, 1 of which will be hit out of the ballpark. Can't imagine there are a whole lot of folk out there at RBP's level taking part in this. Why do these folks playing at the triple-A level (at best) think that speed is the way to get this done?

I know, it's about doing it. About the discipline, the effort, the growth as a writer that comes from producing something.

Still, the more I think about it, the more something just seems wrong in the idea.

That said. I'm publicly challenging AKA Lucy to take a crack at it. :)