Thursday, July 07, 2005

This is why they shouldn't have friends

So I'm heading out the door last night, on my way to the dreaded Golden Arches, and Samwise stops me to tell me something vitally important. I do appreciate the fact that the kids feel the need to tell me every little tidbit of information they gather during the day, but sometimes the timing could be better. But I soon stopped caring about that.

SAM: Daddy! I forgot to tell you Caleb told me today that I shouldn't point with this finger! [he illustrates his point by flipping me off] He says it's bad!
FRODO: Yeah, he says it means the "F-word"
SAM: (at the same time as above) He says it means something bad
ME: He's right, it is bad.
MRS: (at the same time as above, to Frodo) What did he tell you it means?
FRODO: He didn't say, just the "F-word." And it's bad.
ME: Good. That's good enough for now. Yeah, it's bad. Sam--stop doing that with your finger! Stop it, Caleb was right.

Life was so much simpler when we didn't have a yard, or other kids in the neighborhood.