Friday, July 08, 2005


Calvinism is a religion of fundamental optimism. The contentedness of the previous point [from 2 Cor. 12:10 and Phil. 4:11-12] is not a fatalism. It doesn't breed passivity in the face of adversity. Ours has been an active, resolute, even defiant, tradition. Ours is not like the world's optimism, however. The world urges a positive outlook for the future on the baseless assumption of human goodness and human potential. Auschwitz forever reminds us of the groundlessness and futility of that hope. Our hope rests in a sovereign God. Nothing is impossible for Him. 'With God, all things are possible,' Jesus said (Mark 9:23). This gives me confidence and hope in the midst of shadows and darkness. I am resolute in the face of defeat knowing that God is able even to raise the dead.

--Terry L. Johnson