Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Couple o' links

Harry Knowles says
At the end, you'd think it would be titled, "THE ART DIRECTOR" as that's all we're given. We're not seeing Andrew Adamson working with the Pevensie children. We aren't shown him talking to Tilda Swinton to direct her performance as the White Witch. There's no discussion about the emotional realism, just the surface of the film. This makes me a bit wary of the project. If this is all this director is worried about... the design of the film, then we'll get a really lush and empty film, but if he's doing it right, this will be a story that really resonates and leaves a mark on us as viewers.
He might be on to something here, but I'm giving this guy credit--look at the care he showed to even minor characters in his first two movies.