Saturday, January 22, 2005

Remembering Who We Are

Doing final prep for tomorrow (James 4:13-16), came across the following wise words via Geoffrey Thomas

"Every birthday you celebrate, every funeral you attend, every serious illness you suffer, and every time you sit down to plan is a potential reminder from God that your life is but a vapour, a mist, a puff of smoke. How short it is! Take the family snapshot album; look at those old slides or home movies. There's Mum and Dad whose voices are now silent. Just yesterday they spoke, laughed, kissed you....Now they smile at you from a faded photo and with the force of silent lips declare: 'Our life was a vapour, a mist - smoke!' Don't scoff, 'Emotionalism!' No, you are the one who is emotional and unrealistic if you think otherwise. You only deceive yourself when you act - or plan - as if you will live indefinitely,"
Jay Adams,A Thirst for Wholeness.