Monday, August 03, 2009

The Idaho Stop

This is great...for years, I've felt bad for poor California, demonized in the name of the dreaded CRS (California Rolling Stop) as explained in Driver's Ed classes around the country. And this morning, I learn that we in Idaho (state mottoes: "Remember Us?" "No, not Iowa") we have been similarly immortalized in the biking world with "The Idaho Stop."

(h/t: TreasuredValley)


Lockheed said...

We in California do in fact have the California Stop... but it USUALLY means looking for oncoming traffic/cops (my wife being the one exception to that rule) while rolling thru the intersection AND it's none-the-less illegal.

I believe your Idaho stop is a perfect and legal method for culling bicyclists. I hope they enact this in San Francisco in the near future.

Hobster said...

good point, "your" stop is illegal (tho' common), dangerous, and ill-advised...whilst "our" stop is safe, legal, and makes sense.

The parallels between the character's of the states and their stops are clear :)