Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Call me Ishmael, er, no Noah, er, um. Just call me all wet.

Here's how things went for me, after weeks of working a little here and there, I devote myself to finishing off my office. I get it perfect (at least for my needs) on Tuesday. Books are in their proper place, toy collection all displayed (some quite creatively), nothing but floor space for kids to play on, me to stretch out on.

And then Thursday, there's a break in an irrigation line, water comes in the window (office in the basement)--right behind my bookshelves. So, after stopping the water, I have to move 1000+ books, and the bookshelves out of the way pronto. Oh, did I mention this was at midnight? No damage done, thankfully.

Now I've got bookshelves on their side, squeezed into a triangle around my office, allowing me only enough room to snake into my deskchair, so we can get the carpet pulled back to dry it and the pad out. Books in stacks everywhere--can't find some (the ones I was wanting to quote from for projects this week, of course). And it's starting to smell--a lot.
