Thursday, February 02, 2006

Some Rules (well, one) on Baptism Posts

Okay, I'm going to try something reckless here...I'm going to start an occasional series of posts on baptism. Now, I know a number of my readers are going to disagree with me on this stuff--not that there's anything wrong with that ("nothing at all," echoes George from across the table).

Here's the catch--we're not going to be having any extended baptism debates here. While I'm eager for them, I just don't have the time/energy for them right now. I'm tempted to not allow comments on them, but will keep them open to allow questions/clarifications/feedback. As soon as things get heated, I will delete comments. Maybe this summer I'll be up to it and will post some inflammatory words to get a debate going with those in the deep end of the pool.


polymathis said...

Your a gutsy man.
I like to be safe and just write on less controversial topic like the presidents desire to bring salvation via Democracy

Hobster said...
